Commercial roundwood removals

2   Commercial roundwood removals1, by assortment and buyer group. 20002. 1 000 m³
  Total Spruce Pine Broad-leaved
Total 7 481 880 5 810 875 1 605 057 65 948
Assortment group        
Special timber, coniferous 38 997 3 400 35 597 -
Saw logs, coniferous 3 965 007 3 010 847 954 160 -
Special timber and saw logs, broad leaved 8 659 - - 8 659
Unsorted saw logs and pulpwood, coniferous 153 397 119 584 33 813 -
Pulpwood 3 292 206 2 672 964 561 953 57 289
Other roundwood, coniferous 23 614 4 080 19 534 -
Buyer group        
Sawmills and wood industries 4 126 924 3 149 338 969 203 8 383
Mechanical and chemical pulp industries 2 728 591 2 343 557 364 823 20 211
Fiber and particle board industries 44 751 4 904 20 933 18 914
Other Norwegian buyers 187 828 105 654 69 248 12 926
Foreign buyers 393 781 207 422 180 850 5 509
1  Excluding fuelwood.
2  Preliminary figures.

Explanation of symbols