Statistics Norway

Commercial roundwood removals

2   Commercial rundwood removals1, by assortment and buyer group. 20042. 1 000 m3
  Total Spruce Pine Broad-
Total 6 794 5 237 1 507 50
Assortment group        
Special timber, coniferous 48 2 47 .
Saw logs, coniferous 3 610 2 661  949 .
Special timber and saw logs, broad-leaved 8 . . 8
Unsorted saw logs and pulpwood, coniferous  144  116 28 .
Pulpwood 2 958 2 456  459 42
Other roundwood, coniferous 26 2 24 .
Buyer group        
Sawmills and wood industries 3 722 2 768  948 7
Mechanical and chemical pulp industries 2 471 2 209  234 29
Fiber and particle board industries 49 3 41 5
Other Norwegian buyers  213  106 98 9
Foreign buyers  339  152  186 1
1  Excluding fuelwood.
2  Preliminary figures.

Explanation of symbols