
3   Area and average expenditure on forest regeneration1. 1991-2000
  Clearing Scarification Fencing Planting
  *Decares *Kroner per decare *Decares *Kroner per decare *Decares *Kroner per decare *Decares *Kroner per decare
1991 89 608 81 59 960 135 5 648 130 290 863 576
1992 81 775 90 67 388 129 3 497 220 281 107 551
1993 60 295 93 56 002 134 9 848 80 226 831 570
1994 47 695 93 46 688 142 1 649 188 203 562 572
1995 51 820 89 71 662 140 618 243 227 437 582
1996 46 446 100 73 193 148 331 353 218 109 596
1997* 36 093 108 59 005 157 827 153 203 819 629
1998*2 32 362 134 84 527 162 301 251 203 871 691
1999*3 24 014 135 80 377 169 1 098 174 182 949 666
2000*4 23 098 139 78 659 175 1 628 177 187 740 704
1  The figures only comprise work financed with forest trust fund or government subsidies.
2  Figures for Finnmark are missing.
3  Figures for Troms are missing.
4  Expenditures for Finmark are not included.

Explanation of symbols