
5   Drainage and fertilizing of forest area1. 1991-2000
  Drainage Area drained,
new ditches
Area fertilized
  New ditches Cleaning of ditches and
supplementary ditching
Mineral soil Boggy land
  km kmē
1991 1 716 862 30 27 13
1992 1 233 554 22 21 20
1993 908 451 17 15 13
1994 683 486 13 14 13
1995 413 408 8 14 13
1996 339 361 8 21 9
1997 271 317 5 18 5
1998*2 323 364 7 20 6
1999*3 311 268 6 18 8
2000* 213 294 4 13 4
1  The figures only comprise work financed with forest trust fund or government subsidies.
2  Figures for Finnmark are missing.
3  Figures for Troms are missing.

Explanation of symbols