Statistics Norway

Social assistance

9   Recipients of social assistance, by country background and age. 2003
Age Total Norwegian Foreign Western countries Non-western countries Unknown Percentage foreign
recipients of social
Total  135 381 92 283     43 098 15 641 24 380 3 077 33
- 19 years 6 841 4 284 2 557  860 1 366  331 39
20 - 24 " 22 741 15 641 7 100 2 746 3 789  565 32
25 - 29 " 19 124 12 872 6 252 2 173 3 503  576 34
30 - 39 " 37 048 24 833 12 215 3 836 7 437  942 34
40 - 49 " 26 879 18 807 8 072 2 718 4 916  438 31
50 - 59 " 14 119 10 540 3 579 1 575 1 867  137 26
60 - 66 " 4 239 2 882 1 357  641  668 48 32
67 - " 4 390 2 424 1 966 1 092  834 40 45

Explanation of symbols