Spesialized health services. Ambulance services

2   Number of ambulances, operating hours, assignments and kilometres driven. In total and per inhabitant, by regional health enterprise. 2002
Regional health enterprises Number of operating ambulances1 Number of operating hours per week Number of assignments Number of kilometres driven Number of ambulances operating 24 hours per 100 000 inhabitants Number of operating hours per inhabitant Number of assignments per 1 000 inhabitants Number of kilometres driven per assignment
The whole country  547 89 209  457 728 27 278 089 9 1.03  101 60
Helseregion Øst  113 14 413  155 279 8 011 370 5 0.46 96 52
Helseregion Sør 92 12 816 87 704 5 194 606 8 0.75 99 59
Helseregion Vest 94 15 722 90 064 4 175 234 8 0.88 97 46
Helseregion Midt-Norge 94 15 102 63 604 4 397 215 12 1.23  100 69
Helseregion Nord  154 31 157 61 077 5 499 664 25 3.50  132 90
1  This figure includes both ambulances operating 24 hours and ambulances operating less than 24 hours.

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