Statistics Norway

Spesialized health services. Ambulance services

6   Number of assignments carried through in the air ambulance, by type of assignment and by regional health enterprise. 2004
Regional health enterprises Total number of
assignments carried through
Primary assignment1 Secondary
The whole country 15 385 6 442 5 059      4 506
Helseregion Øst 3 043  902  963 1 540
Helseregion Sør  808  653  137  104
Helseregion Vest 1 830 1 286  405  143
Helseregion Midt-Norge 2 673 1 006 1 033  719
Helseregion Nord 7 031 2 595 2 521 2 000
1  Primary assignment: Directly to the patient.
2  Secondary assignment: Between health institutions.
3  Other: The deviation between assignments carried through and primary/secondary assignments.
Source: Helseforetakenes nasjonale luftambulansetjeneste ANS, Årsrapport 2004.

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