Statistics Norway

Specialist health services, psychiatry

8   Man-years1 in psychiatric institutions for children and adolescents, by category of personnel. 1998-2002
Category of personnel 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Man-years, total 2 155 2 273 2 407 2 611 2 866
Physicians 74 85 90  104  114
Psychiatrists 93 89 96  101  111
Psychologists  390  413  468  257  312
Clinical psychologists 0 0 0  218  223
Qualified nurses2  190  157  158  207  218
Social workers  255  270  293  298  309
Educationists  251  264  283  273  283
Therapists (with college education)  385  486  496  623  711
Therapists (without college education)  166  128  127  112  122
Personnel in administration and office  244  275  283  296  333
Personnel in service-, technical- and/or operating functions  107  107  112  122  129
1  Man-years are full-time employees plus part-time employees (converted into full-time employees) at 31 December.
2  Includes nurses qualified in psychiatry and other qualified nurses.

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