Statistics Norway

Specialist health services, psychiatry

9   Out-patient consultations in psychiatric institutions and psychiatric wards, by regional health enterprise. 1998-2002. Numbers and per 1 000 inhabitants
Regional health enterprises Out-patient consultations in psychiatric institutions and psychiatric wards Out-patient consultations in psychiatric institutions and psychiatric wards per 1 000 inhabitants
19981 19992 2000 2001 2002 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
The whole country  623 475  666 243  696 408  736 175  837 743  141  150  156  163  185
Helseregion Øst  232 034  248 927  256 421  271 102  308 121  148  158  161  169  189
Helseregion Sør  125 672  137 025  149 081  148 336  172 000  146  158  171  169  194
Helseregion Vest  101 398  110 316  112 752  124 104  146 190  113  121  123  135  157
Helseregion Midt-Norge 81 524 94 001 98 736  103 607  113 547  130  149  156  163  177
Helseregion Nord 79 334 72 492 75 628 86 577 95 013  171  157  163  187  205
1  A number of figures have been corrected 26 May 2003.
2  A number of figures have been corrected 19 June 2001.

Explanation of symbols