Statistics Norway

Specialist health services, psychiatry

11   Out-patient consultations in psychiatric institutions for children and adolescents, by regional health enterprise. 1998-2002. Numbers and per 1 000 inhabitants 0-17 years
Regional health enterprises Out-patient consultations in psychiatric institutions for children and adolescents Out-patient consultations in psychiatric institutions for children and adolescents per 1 000 inhabitants 0-17 years
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
The whole country  148 190  162 529  168 763  181 117  219 487  144  156  160  171  206
Helseregion Øst 52 917 54 268 55 010 59 335 71 944  154  155  156  166  199
Helseregion Sør 38 481 36 863 38 372 37 835 43 825  191  180  186  182  210
Helseregion Vest 16 776 24 618 28 517 32 895 43 690 72  105  121  139  183
Helseregion Midt-Norge 15 258 23 691 23 859 23 322 28 264  101  155  156  151  183
Helseregion Nord 24 758 23 089 23 005 27 730 31 764  223  206  205  247  284

Explanation of symbols