Statistics Norway

Specialist health service, psychiatry

13   Bed-days in psychiatric institutions and psychiatric wards for adults, by regional health enterprise. 1999-2003. Numbers and per 1 000 inhabitants
Regional health enterprises Bed-days in psychiatric institutions and psychiatric wards for adults Bed-days in psychiatric institutions and psychiatric wards for adults per 1 000 inhabitants 18- years
1999 2000 2001 2002 20032 1999 2000 2001 2002 20032
The whole country 1 918 554 1 867 605 1 786 640 1 764 007 1 711 017 563 545 519 510 490
Helseregion Øst  711 552  707 837  678 072 1 655 072  635 890 572 566 539 1518 500
Helseregion Sør  350 914  326 564  309 828  293 102  273 994 525 485 459 432 402
Helseregion Vest  431 540  429 509  408 410  421 600  409 922 633 627 592 606 585
Helseregion Midt-Norge  254 882  235 510  222 750  214 298  208 775 530 488 461 441 428
Helseregion Nord  133 147  131 374  130 341  131 458  131 620 378 373 372 375 375
1  Corrected since publishing in 2002.
2  Preliminary figures.

Explanation of symbols