Statistics Norway

Specialist health service, psychiatry

7   Man-years1 in psychiatric institutions for adults, by category of personnel. 1999-2003
Category of personnel 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Man-years, total 13 917 14 147 14 592 15 058 15 325
Physicians  390  400  453  410  470
Psychiatrists  511  554  567  585  591
Psychologists  660  714  430  482  575
Clinical psychologists 0 0  339  391  378
Qualified nurses2 4 365 4 502 4 702 4 800 5 072
Professional health workers for mentally retarded  238  281  287  273  309
Auxiliary nursing personnel 2 998 2 889 2 906 2 852 2 728
Other nursing personnel  874  929  722  889  913
Other nursing and therapy personnel, college trained3  971  788 1 191 1 372 1 436
Other nursing and therapy personell, not college trained4  332  357  442  459  331
Personnel in administration and office 1 140 1 192 1 317 1 310 1 325
Personnel in service-, technical- and/or operating functions 1 439 1 283 1 237 1 234 1 196
1  Man-years are full-time employees plus part-time employees (converted into full-time employees) at 31 December.
2  Includes nurses qualified in psychiatry and other qualified nurses.
3  Includes special-care nurses, physiotherapists, ergonomists, social workers (college trained), child welfare workers and teachers.
4  Includes auxiliary nurses, other auxiliary nursing personnel, unqualified occupational therapists.

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