Statistics Norway

Specialist health services, psychiatry

4   Man-years1 in psychiatric institutions and psychiatric wards, by regional health enterprise. 2000-2004
Regional health enterprises Man-years in psychiatric institutions and psychiatric wards
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
The whole country 16 554 17 203 17 923 18 293 18 629
Helseregion Øst 6 520 6 834 7 248 27 163 7 149
Helseregion Sør 2 766 2 926 2 962 23 092 3 227
Helseregion Vest 3 229 3 379 3 460 3 603 3 696
Helseregion Midt-Norge 2 237 2 126 2 216 2 340 2 378
Helseregion Nord 1 633 1 766 1 866 1 861 1 940
1  Man-years are full-time employees plus part-time employees (converted into full-time employees) at December 31.
2  The figure has been corrected 22 June 2005.

Explanation of symbols