Statistics Norway

Specialist health services, psychiatry

7   Man-years1 in psychiatric institutions for adults, by category of personnel. 2002-2005
Category of personnel 2002 2003 2004 2005
Man-years, total 15 058 15 325 15 596 15 928
Physicians  410  470  510  497
Psychiatrists  585  591  609  650
Psychologists  482  575  570  624
Clinical psychologists  391  378  416  454
Qualified nurses2 4 800 5 072 5 300 5 519
Welfare nurses  273  309  354  362
Auxiliary nursing personnel 2 852 2 728 2 619 2 516
Other nursing personnel  889  913  796  734
Other nursing and therapy personnel, college educated3 1 372 1 436 1 488 1 495
Other nursing and therapy personell, not college educated4  459  331  312  449
Personnel in administration and office 1 310 1 325 1 483 1 539
Personnel in service, technical and/or operating functions 1 234 1 196 1 137 1 089
1  Man-years are full-time employees plus part-time employees (converted into full-time employees) at 31 December.
2  Includes qualified nurses and nurses qualified in psychiatry.
3  Includes physiotherapists, ergotherpists, college trained social workers, child welfare workers and teachers.
4  Includes occupational therapists.

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