Statistics Norway

Specialist health services, psychiatry

8   Man-years1 in psychiatric institutions for children and adolescents, by category of personnel. 2002-2005
Category of personnel 2002 2003 2004 2005
Man-years, total 2 866 2 968 3 033 3 203
Physicians  114  113  117  133
Psychiatrists  111  118  130  131
Psychologists  312  323  360  356
Clinical psychologists  223  249  268  309
Qualified nurses2  218  244  232  260
Social workers  309  318  338  343
Educationists  283  294  323  342
Therapists (college educated)  711  704  664  706
Therapists (not college educated)  122  117  142  125
Personnel in administration and office  333  365  363  395
Personnel in service, technical and/or operating functions  129  123 97  103
1  Man-years are full-time employees plus part-time employees (converted into full-time equivalents) at December 31. Overtime is not included.
2  Includes nurses qualified in psychiatry and other qualified nurses.

Explanation of symbols