Statistics Norway

Specialist health services, psychiatry

11   Out-patient consultations in psychiatric institutions for children and adolescents, by regional health enterprise. 2002-2005. Numbers and per 1 000 inhabitants 0-17 years
Regional health enterprises Out-patient consultations in psychiatric institutions for children and adolescents Out-patient consultations in psychiatric institutions for children and adolescents per 1 000 inhabitants 0-17 years
2002 2003 2004 2005 2002 2003 2004 2005
The whole country  219 487  272 211  297 562  439 144  206  252  274  402
Helseregion Øst 71 944 93 980 98 031  141 623  199  256  264  377
Helseregion Sør 43 825 51 944 57 197 88 232  210  248  273  420
Helseregion Vest 43 690 54 074 63 573 87 735  183  225  264  363
Helseregion Midt-Norge 28 264 35 742 41 238 62 241  183  231  266  402
Helseregion Nord 31 764 36 471 37 523 59 313  284  327  339  538
1  Out-patient consultations by repayment base.
2  Changed rules for the repayment base from 2005 gives some telephone consultations repayment.

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