Statistics Norway

Specialist health services, psychiatry

14   Bed-days in psychiatric institutions for children and adolescents, by regional health enterprise. 2002-2005. Numbers and per 1 000 inhabitants
Regional health enterprises Bed-days in psychiatric institutions for children and adolescents Bed-days in psychiatric institutions for children and adolescents per 1 000 inhabitants 0-17 years
2002 2003 2004 2005 2002 2003 2004 2005
The whole country 80 857 89 570 87 386 87 880 76 83 80 80
Helseregion Øst 41 865 43 789 43 557 46 454  116  119  117  124
Helseregion Sør 8 343 14 802 12 212 9 299 40 71 58 44
Helseregion Vest 12 925 15 021 14 529 14 579 54 63 60 60
Helseregion Midt-Norge 7 387 7 728 8 681 9 018 48 50 56 58
Helseregion Nord 10 337 8 230 8 407 8 530 92 74 76 77

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