Statistics Norway

Specialist health services, accounts

3   Gross current expenses (excl. depreciation) in general hospitals and psyciatric institutions distributed on regions. 1998-2004. NOK per inhabitant1
Gross current expenses, exclusive depreciation Helse Øst Helse Sør Helse Vest4 Helse Midt-Norge Helse Nord3
General hospital 9 300 12 000 9 000 10 800 12 200
Psychiatric institutions for adults 2 900 2 400 2 800 2 400 2 800
Psychiatric institutions for children and adolescents 1 900 1 500 1 400 1 500 2 100
General hospital 9 000 11 900 8 900 10 100 11 100
Psychiatric institutions for adults 2 800 2 400 2 700 2 400 2 900
Psychiatric institutions for children and adolescents 1 900 1 300 1 300 1 400 1 800
General hospital 9 200 10 400 8 200 9 000 10 100
Psychiatric institutions for adults 2 500 2 300 2 500 2 200 2 100
Psychiatric institutions for children and adolescents 1 900 1 300 1 200 1 100 1 300
General hospital 7 000 10 700 7 600 8 200 9 200
Psychiatric institutions for adults 2 500 2 000 2 300 2 000 2 100
Psychiatric institutions for children and adolescents 1 500 1 100  900  900 1 200
General hospital 6 500 9 900 6 500 7 100 8 000
Psychiatric institutions for adults 2 200 1 700 2 000 1 800 1 900
Psychiatric institutions for children and adolescents 1 300  700  800  800 1 100
General hospital 6 100 8 900 6 100 6 600 7 600
Psychiatric institutions for adults 2 200 1 600 1 900 1 800 1 800
Psychiatric institutions for children and adolescents 1 200  600  700  700  900
General hospital 5 700 8 200 5 600 6 300 7 100
Psychiatric institutions for adults 2 100 1 500 1 800 1 700 1 700
Psychiatric institutions for children and adolescents 1 200  600  600  700  800
1  Regional expenses includes public enterprises and private institutions with operating agreements.
2  The Norwegian Hospital Reform introduced January 2002 may affect comparability.
3  2002: Psychiatric expences are missing for Helse Finnmark HF.
4  The figures from 2003 were corrected June 27th 2005.

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