Statistics Norway

Specialist health care, drug treatment

1   Number of beds, by type of treatment and health region1, 2
  Sum Detoxification/
abstinence treatment
based treatment
based treatment
continued treatment
Total 1 460  250  509  694 32
Helseregion Øst  649  122  163  394 0
Helseregion Sør  293 58  126  109 0
Helseregion Vest  193 41 98 54 0
Helseregion Midt-Norge  153 19 50 67 17
Helseregion Nord  142 10 72 45 15
1  Private institutions financed by a Regional Health Enterprise on a regular basis, are included in the Health Regions.
2  The figures are corrected 17.03.2006

Explanation of symbols