Statistics Norway

Specialist health care, drug treatment

1   Number of beds, by type of treatment and health region1
  Total Detoxification/
abstinence treatment
based treatment
based treatment
continued treatment
Total 1 799  265  579  888 48
Helseregion Øst  260  103 72 78 7
Helseregion Sør  169 28 95 35 0
Helseregion Vest 31 0 0 18 13
Helseregion Midt-Norge  100 7 29 42 20
Helseregion Nord 87 10 44 25 8
Private institutions 1 152  117  339  690 0
1  Private institutions financed by a Regional Health Enterprise on a regular basis, are included in the Health Regions.

Explanation of symbols