Statistics Norway

Specialist health service, substance abuse treatment

1 Number of beds and day placements by type of treatment and health region1. 2007
  Total Detoxification/Abstinence treatment Short-term based treatment Long-term based treatment After-care/ Continued treatment Day cases
Total 1 858  277  551  944 61 25
Helseregion Sør-Øst2  447  156  136  119 17 19
Helseregion Vest 51 0 0 44 7 0
Helseregion Midt-Norge  102 7 33 42 20 0
Helseregion Nord 98 10 46 25 17 0
Private institutions 1 160  104  336  714 0 6
1  Private institutions finaced by å Regional Health Enterprise on a regular basis, are included in the Healt Regions.
2  From 2007, after the fusion of Helse Sør RHF and Helse Øst RHF to Helse Sør-Øst RHF.

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