Statistics Norway

Credit point production at universities and colleges

1   Completed credit points in tertiary education, by type of institution, ownership and educational institution. 2004/05 academic year. Absolute figures and per cent
Type of institution, ownership and educational institution Average completed credit points Number of registered students Per cent
Per registered student1 Per student with completed credit points Total With completed credit points Without completed credit points Total With completed credit points Without completed credit points
Total 34.9 42.5     231 516  190 327 41 189    100.0 82.2 17.8
All universities and spesialised university institutions 33.6 43.1 87 735 68 331 19 404  100.0 77.9 22.1
State universities 33.6 43.1 86 829 67 584 19 245  100.0 77.8 22.2
University of Oslo 30.9 42.1 32 814 24 113 8 701  100.0 73.5 26.5
University of Bergen 33.6 43.3 17 259 13 409 3 850  100.0 77.7 22.3
Norwegian University of Science and Technology 36.4 45.1 21 193 17 119 4 074  100.0 80.8 19.2
University of Tromsø 32.4 42.5 6 540 4 991 1 549  100.0 76.3 23.7
Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration 35.6 39.7 3 608 3 239  369  100.0 89.8 10.2
Norwegian University of Life Sciences 42.1 47.4 2 907 2 585  322  100.0 88.9 11.1
Other spesialised university institustions 33.6 39.6 2 508 2 128  380  100.0 84.8 15.2
Private universities 31.5 38.3  906  747  159  100.0 82.5 17.5
The Norwegian Lutheran School of Theology 31.5 38.3  906  747  159  100.0 82.5 17.5
All university colleges 35.8 42.2  143 781  121 996 21 785  100.0 84.8 15.2
State university colleges 37.3 44.1  110 109 93 139 16 970  100.0 84.6 15.4
Østfold University College 37.4 45.9 5 048 4 117  931  100.0 81.6 18.4
Akershus University College 35.2 42.2 3 655 3 044  611  100.0 83.3 16.7
Oslo University College 41.4 46.2 12 929 11 585 1 344  100.0 89.6 10.4
Hedmark University College 28.5 37.2 6 611 5 062 1 549  100.0 76.6 23.4
Gjøvik University College 34.7 40.5 2 152 1 846  306  100.0 85.8 14.2
Lillehammer University College 39.3 46.2 3 246 2 760  486  100.0 85.0 15.0
Buskerud University College 37.5 42.8 3 307 2 896  411  100.0 87.6 12.4
Vestfold University College 31.9 44.7 4 330 3 095 1 235  100.0 71.5 28.5
Telemark University College 37.4 45.1 5 961 4 934 1 027  100.0 82.8 17.2
Agder University College 39.6 45.5 8 559 7 446 1 113  100.0 87.0 13.0
University of Stavanger/Stavanger University College 37.9 45.3 8 209 6 856 1 353  100.0 83.5 16.5
Stord/Haugesund University College 40.0 44.4 2 600 2 341  259  100.0 90.0 10.0
Bergen University College 43.3 47.7 6 704 6 075  629  100.0 90.6 9.4
Sogn og Fjordane University College 34.0 41.9 3 071 2 491  580  100.0 81.1 18.9
Molde University College 33.7 39.2 1 912 1 642  270  100.0 85.9 14.1
Ålesund University College 40.4 44.9 1 564 1 406  158  100.0 89.9 10.1
Volda University College 37.6 45.5 3 197 2 640  557  100.0 82.6 17.4
South Trøndelag University College 38.5 44.5 8 310 7 188 1 122  100.0 86.5 13.5
North Trøndelag University College 30.8 36.0 4 981 4 255  726  100.0 85.4 14.6
Bodø University College 37.3 43.7 4 580 3 905  675  100.0 85.3 14.7
Narvik University College 35.5 42.2 1 139  957  182  100.0 84.0 16.0
Nesna University College 33.4 41.2 1 143  926  217  100.0 81.0 19.0
Harstad University College 35.7 44.0 1 474 1 196  278  100.0 81.1 18.9
Tromsø University College 39.6 46.1 3 279 2 819  460  100.0 86.0 14.0
Finnmark University College 35.7 45.8 1 974 1 539  435  100.0 78.0 22.0
Saami University College 26.2 38.7  174  118 56  100.0 67.8 32.2
Other university colleges2 30.9 36.0 33 672 28 857 4 815  100.0 85.7 14.3
State 47.4 50.4 1 563 1 469 94  100.0 94.0 6.0
Private 30.1 35.3 32 109 27 388 4 721  100.0 85.3 14.7
Of which                
Norwegian School of Management 27.6 31.4 21 980 19 274 2 706  100.0 87.7 12.3
1  Registered Students are those registered per 1 October 2004 or registered as producing credit points during the 2004/05 study year.
2  Other university colleges includes: Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Bergen National Academy of the Arts, Norwegian Police University College and private university colleges.

Explanation of symbols