Statistics Norway

Credit point production at universities and colleges

4   Average credit point production per student with completed credits in tertiary education, by type of institution, sex and age. 2004/05 academic year.
Absolute figures
Sex and age Total number
of students
Total Universities Spesialised
Both sexes  190 327     42.5 43.3 41.8 44.1 36.0
Under 20 years 8 136 44.9 44.4 46.0 45.9 42.6
20-24 years 79 492 50.4 48.9 51.9 52.4 47.1
25-29 years 37 772 42.3 42.2 40.6 44.8 35.9
30-34 years 19 153 36.0 35.4 29.8 39.2 28.3
35-39 years 15 927 33.9 32.0 23.6 37.8 25.3
40-44 years 12 528 32.3 31.1 23.5 36.0 22.9
45-49 years 9 426 30.4 28.9 23.5 32.7 24.6
50 years and over 7 893 25.3 26.3 20.3 26.8 19.1
Males 74 326 41.7 43.0 42.4 42.9 35.6
Under 20 years 2 668 40.4 42.1 44.4 39.5 37.3
20-24 years 33 190 49.1 48.6 52.9 50.3 45.8
25-29 years 16 877 41.9 41.5 41.8 44.6 35.4
30-34 years 7 327 34.4 35.3 30.6 37.3 27.3
35-39 years 5 245 31.2 30.6 24.3 35.1 23.8
40-44 years 3 558 29.3 29.3 25.8 32.9 21.8
45-49 years 2 665 27.1 26.1 24.8 29.7 20.9
50 years and over 2 796 22.8 24.9 19.5 24.3 16.4
Females  116 001 43.0 43.5 41.2 44.7 36.3
Under 20 years 5 468 47.1 45.5 47.1 48.8 46.0
20-24 years 46 302 51.3 49.1 51.1 53.7 48.2
25-29 years 20 895 42.7 42.8 39.4 44.9 36.3
30-34 years 11 826 36.9 35.5 28.8 40.1 28.9
35-39 years 10 682 35.2 32.9 22.8 38.9 26.1
40-44 years 8 970 33.5 32.0 21.0 37.0 23.5
45-49 years 6 761 31.7 30.3 22.4 33.7 26.3
50 years and over 5 097 26.6 27.1 21.0 28.1 20.9

Explanation of symbols