Statistics Norway

Credit point production at universities and colleges

5 Credit point production of tertiary students registered in the autumn semester 2008, by type of education and credits achieved in the 2008/09 academic year. Per cent
  Total number of students Per cent
  Total 0 credit points 1-29 credit points 30-59 credit points 60 credit points and above
Full-time students            
Ordinary education  135 054  100.0 11.0 10.1 28.2 50.7
Supplementary- and continuing education 6 868  100.0 16.2 19.2 47.9 16.7
Distance education  575  100.0 40.7 27.7 19.5 12.2
Supplementary-, continuing and distance education 28  100.0 14.3 32.1 42.9 10.7
Part-time students            
Ordinary education 48 027  100.0 24.0 28.2 27.5 20.3
Supplementary- and continuing education 13 964  100.0 25.4 30.0 41.7 2.9
Distance education 3 185  100.0 27.3 57.9 14.4 0.4
Supplementary-, continuing and distance education  626  100.0 40.3 48.1 11.3 0.3

Explanation of symbols