Statistics Norway

Credit point production at universities and colleges

1 Completed credit points in tertiary education, by type of institution, ownership and educational institution. 2009/10 academic year. Absolute figures and per cent
Type of institution, ownership and educational institution Average completed credit points Number of registered students Per cent
Per registered student1 Per student with
completed credit points
Total With completed
credit points
Without completed
credit points
Total With completed
credit points
Without completed
credit points
Total 36.5 42.7  249 340  213 408 35 932  100 85.6 14.4
All universities and specialised university institutions 36.3 42.7  131 105  111 352 19 753  100 84.9 15.1
Public 37.1 43.4  213 029  181 755 31 274  100 85.3 14.7
Universities 37.7 45.0 98 625 82 627 15 998  100 83.8 16.2
University of Oslo 34.2 44.2 29 966 23 212 6 754  100 77.5 22.5
University of Bergen 40.6 47.2 14 944 12 846 2 098  100 86.0 14.0
Norwegian University of Science and Technology 39.1 45.2 21 928 18 974 2 954  100 86.5 13.5
University of Tromsø 38.6 45.9 8 891 7 477 1 414  100 84.1 15.9
University of Stavanger 38.1 43.5 9 740 8 526 1 214  100 87.5 12.5
University of Agder 39.1 44.7 9 241 8 083 1 158  100 87.5 12.5
Norwegian University of Life Sciences 39.9 44.5 3 915 3 509  406  100 89.6 10.4
Spesialised university institutions 37.7 42.2 8 420 7 525  895  100 89.4 10.6
Molde University College - specialised university of logistics3 39.8 45.0 1 035  916  119  100 88.5 11.5
Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration 36.1 40.4 3 958 3 530  428  100 89.2 10.8
Norwegian School of Sport Sciences 32.0 35.8 1 694 1 513  181  100 89.3 10.7
Norwegian Academy of Music 43.6 51.5  653  552  101  100 84.5 15.5
Norwegian School of Veterinary Science 48.8 51.5  475  450 25  100 94.7 5.3
The Oslo School of Architecture and Design 45.3 48.6  605  564 41  100 93.2 6.8
Private 33.4 38.3 36 311 31 653 4 658  100 87.2 12.8
Spesialised university institustions 30.0 34.1 24 060 21 200 2 860  100 88.1 11.9
MF Norwegian School of Theology 33.0 39.1 1 003  846  157  100 84.3 15.7
Norwegian School of Management 29.9 33.8 22 688 20 055 2 633  100 88.4 11.6
School of Mission and Theology 28.4 35.1  369  299 70  100 81.0 19.0
All university colleges 36.8 42.6  118 235  102 056 16 179  100 86.3 13.7
Public 36.4 42.1  105 984 91 603 14 381  100 86.4 13.6
The state university colleges2 36.5 41.9  100 850 87 938 12 912  100 87.2 12.8
Østfold University College 36.1 41.6 5 128 4 449  679  100 86.8 13.2
Akershus University College 33.8 40.4 4 136 3 455  681  100 83.5 16.5
Oslo University College 38.9 43.5 14 504 12 946 1 558  100 89.3 10.7
Hedmark University College 34.4 38.9 6 524 5 758  766  100 88.3 11.7
Gjøvik University College 34.8 39.5 2 858 2 523  335  100 88.3 11.7
Lillehammer University College 38.5 45.4 4 619 3 922  697  100 84.9 15.1
Buskerud University College 34.9 38.8 4 099 3 683  416  100 89.9 10.1
Vestfold University College 30.6 40.4 5 447 4 122 1 325  100 75.7 24.3
Telemark University College 38.0 42.1 7 107 6 416  691  100 90.3 9.7
Stord/Haugesund University College 33.0 36.6 3 514 3 173  341  100 90.3 9.7
Bergen University College 41.1 45.8 7 996 7 178  818  100 89.8 10.2
Sogn og Fjordane University College 35.8 40.3 3 703 3 290  413  100 88.8 11.2
Molde University College - specialised university of logistics4 32.3 36.8  937  823  114  100 87.8 12.2
Ålesund University College 41.8 45.5 2 057 1 891  166  100 91.9 8.1
Volda University College 35.4 41.9 3 324 2 806  518  100 84.4 15.6
Sør-Trøndelag University College 43.1 47.7 7 869 7 115  754  100 90.4 9.6
Nord-Trøndelag University College 33.0 39.2 4 904 4 124  780  100 84.1 15.9
Bodø University College 32.0 37.4 5 877 5 022  855  100 85.5 14.5
Narvik University College 33.7 42.5 1 251  992  259  100 79.3 20.7
Nesna University College 31.8 35.9 1 177 1 043  134  100 88.6 11.4
Harstad University College 32.3 39.4 1 621 1 328  293  100 81.9 18.1
Finnmark University College 37.6 43.4 1 976 1 711  265  100 86.6 13.4
Saami University College 21.9 28.9  222  168 54  100 75.7 24.3
Military colleges 14.8 29.6 1 586  791  795  100 49.9 50.1
Other public university colleges 43.3 53.5 3 548 2 874  674  100 81.0 19.0
The Norwegian Police University College 40.1 52.2 2 762 2 120  642  100 76.8 23.2
Bergen National Academy of the Arts 54.8 55.9  299  293 6  100 98.0 2.0
Oslo National Academy of the Arts 54.5 57.6  487  461 26  100 94.7 5.3
Private 39.9 46.8 12 251 10 453 1 798  100 85.3 14.7
Other private university colleges 39.9 46.8 12 251 10 453 1 798  100 85.3 14.7
1  Registered Students are those registered per 1 October 2009 or registered as producing credit points during the 2009/2010 study year.
2  The state university colleges is a term for type of university college which is a result from a reform in 1994.
3  Logistics subjects are classified as subjects of Spesialised university institutions from 1st of january 2010.
4  Logistics studies are not included.

Explanation of symbols