Statistics Norway

Credit point production at universities and colleges

2 Credit point production of registered tertiary students, by gender and type of institution. 2009/10 academic year. Per cent
Gender and type of institution Total number of registered students1 Per cent
Total 0 credit points 1-29 credit points 30-59 credit points 60 credit points and above
Total  249 340  100 14.4 22.0 28.2 35.4
Universities 98 625  100 16.2 19.2 26.5 38.0
Spesialised university institutions 32 480  100 11.6 33.6 29.1 25.8
State university colleges2  100 850  100 12.8 22.1 30.0 35.1
Military colleges 1 586  100 50.1 28.2 13.5 8.2
Other university colleges3 15 799  100 15.6 14.1 26.9 43.4
Men 97 248  100 16.4 22.6 26.6 34.4
Universities 41 385  100 17.7 19.6 26.4 36.3
Spesialised university institutions 15 720  100 12.2 30.9 29.8 27.1
State university colleges2 33 881  100 15.1 23.4 26.7 34.7
Military colleges 1 363  100 50.0 27.1 14.0 9.0
Other university colleges3 4 899  100 18.4 14.9 20.5 46.2
Women  152 092  100 13.1 21.6 29.2 36.0
Universities 57 240  100 15.1 19.0 26.6 39.3
Spesialised university institutions 16 760  100 10.9 36.1 28.5 24.5
State university colleges2 66 969  100 11.6 21.4 31.6 35.3
Military colleges  223  100 51.1 35.0 10.3 3.6
Other university colleges3 10 900  100 14.4 13.8 29.7 42.1
1  Registered Students are those registered per 1 October 2009 or registered as producing credit points during the 2009/2010 study year.
2  The state university colleges is a term for type of university college which is a result from a reform in 1994.
3  Other university colleges includes: Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Bergen National Academy of the Arts, Norwegian Police University College and private university colleges.

Explanation of symbols