Statistics Norway

Credit point production at universities and colleges

3 Credit point production of registered tertiary students, by gender and field of education. 2009/10 academic year. Per cent
Gender and field of education Total number of registered students Per cent
Total 0 credit points 1-29 credit points 30-59 credit points 60 credit points and above
Total  249 340  100 14.4 22.0 28.2 35.4
Humanities and Arts 29 752  100 20.0 22.0 28.3 29.7
Teacher Training and Pedagogy 35 891  100 12.6 18.2 33.9 35.2
Social Sciences and Law 34 795  100 18.0 17.6 25.6 38.9
Business and Administration 48 623  100 12.7 33.9 27.9 25.6
Natural Sciences, Vocational and Technical Subjects 39 077  100 13.5 20.9 27.0 38.5
Health, Welfare and Sport 53 715  100 10.9 17.1 28.9 43.1
Primary Industries 1 374  100 13.8 31.0 24.0 31.1
Transport and Communications, Safety and Security and other services 5 426  100 22.3 23.9 15.3 38.5
Unspecified field of education  687  100 70.7 14.8 6.8 7.6
Men 97 248  100 16.4 22.6 26.6 34.4
Humanities and Arts 11 053  100 22.4 22.1 26.2 29.3
Teacher Training and Pedagogy 8 449  100 15.4 18.0 32.7 33.9
Social Sciences and Law 13 413  100 20.2 18.4 25.2 36.2
Business and Administration 22 117  100 13.6 32.6 27.7 26.1
Natural Sciences, Vocational and Technical Subjects 26 330  100 14.2 20.0 26.6 39.2
Health, Welfare and Sport 11 309  100 13.6 18.3 26.3 41.8
Primary Industries  696  100 14.8 33.8 22.7 28.7
Transport and Communications, Safety and Security and other services 3 584  100 24.7 20.8 15.3 39.2
Unspecified field of education  297  100 68.7 13.5 7.7 10.1
Women  152 092  100 13.1 21.6 29.2 36.0
Humanities and Arts 18 699  100 18.6 21.9 29.5 30.0
Teacher Training and Pedagogy 27 442  100 11.7 18.3 34.3 35.6
Social Sciences and Law 21 382  100 16.6 17.1 25.8 40.5
Business and Administration 26 506  100 11.9 34.9 28.0 25.2
Natural Sciences, Vocational and Technical Subjects 12 747  100 12.2 22.8 27.9 37.1
Health, Welfare and Sport 42 406  100 10.2 16.8 29.6 43.4
Primary Industries  678  100 12.8 28.2 25.4 33.6
Transport and Communications, Safety and Security and other services 1 842  100 17.6 30.0 15.4 37.0
Unspecified field of education  390  100 72.3 15.9 6.2 5.6

Explanation of symbols