Statistics Norway

Credit point production at universities and colleges

6 Completed credit points of ordinary1 full-time students in tertiary education, by type of institution and educational institution. 2010/11 academic year. Absolute figures and per cent
Type of institution and educational institution Average completed credit points Number of registered students Per cent
Per registered student Per student with
completed credit points
Total With completed
credit points
Without completed
credit points
Total With completed
credit points
Without completed
credit points
Total 46.5 51.5  153 448  138 486 14 962  100.0 90.2 9.8
Universities 46.5 51.8 69 796 62 736 7 060  100.0 89.9 10.1
University of Oslo 43.2 50.6 19 618 16 741 2 877  100.0 85.3 14.7
University of Bergen 48.2 52.2 9 518 8 787  731  100.0 92.3 7.7
Norwegian University of Science and Technology 48.6 52.1 16 060 14 979 1 081  100.0 93.3 6.7
University of Tromsø 46.9 52.7 5 935 5 275  660  100.0 88.9 11.1
University of Stavanger 49.5 53.3 6 323 5 869  454  100.0 92.8 7.2
University of Agder 47.0 52.5 6 598 5 913  685  100.0 89.6 10.4
Norwegian University of Life Sciences 50.9 53.5 2 850 2 715  135  100.0 95.3 4.7
University of Nordland2 39.8 46.9 2 894 2 457  437  100.0 84.9 15.1
Spesialised university institutions 46.1 49.2 17 731 16 597 1 134  100.0 93.6 6.4
Molde University College - specialised university of logistics 42.7 49.6  853  735  118  100.0 86.2 13.8
Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration 49.4 51.0 2 462 2 386 76  100.0 96.9 3.1
Norwegian School of Sport Sciences 53.1 55.3  586  563 23  100.0 96.1 3.9
Norwegian Academy of Music 52.1 54.4  260  249 11  100.0 95.8 4.2
Norwegian School of Veterinary Science 50.3 52.0  460  445 15  100.0 96.7 3.3
The Oslo School of Architecture and Design 51.7 53.0  487  475 12  100.0 97.5 2.5
The Norwegian Lutheran School of Theology 45.2 52.7  656  562 94  100.0 85.7 14.3
Norwegian School of Management 44.8 47.9 11 785 11 029  756  100.0 93.6 6.4
School of Mission and Theology 43.5 51.7  182  153 29  100.0 84.1 15.9
The state university colleges3 46.0 51.1 54 880 49 425 5 455  100.0 90.1 9.9
Østfold University College 44.5 51.5 3 033 2 620  413  100.0 86.4 13.6
Akershus University College 38.0 43.7 1 842 1 601  241  100.0 86.9 13.1
Oslo University College 49.2 53.7 8 700 7 980  720  100.0 91.7 8.3
Hedmark University College 44.9 49.6 3 574 3 235  339  100.0 90.5 9.5
Gjøvik University College 43.8 48.5 1 855 1 674  181  100.0 90.2 9.8
Lillehammer University College 47.3 52.7 3 393 3 044  349  100.0 89.7 10.3
Buskerud University College 45.1 50.7 2 400 2 132  268  100.0 88.8 11.2
Vestfold University College 43.9 49.0 2 678 2 397  281  100.0 89.5 10.5
Telemark University College 44.2 49.4 3 650 3 268  382  100.0 89.5 10.5
Stord/Haugesund University College 46.7 52.0 1 748 1 572  176  100.0 89.9 10.1
Bergen University College 49.0 52.9 5 087 4 715  372  100.0 92.7 7.3
Sogn og Fjordane University College 45.3 48.0 2 167 2 046  121  100.0 94.4 5.6
Molde University College - specialised university of logistics4 45.1 51.7  282  246 36  100.0 87.2 12.8
Ålesund University College 48.4 51.6 1 541 1 447 94  100.0 93.9 6.1
Volda University College 44.2 50.6 2 172 1 896  276  100.0 87.3 12.7
Sør-Trøndelag University College 50.1 54.9 5 224 4 773  451  100.0 91.4 8.6
Nord-Trøndelag University College 46.2 51.8 2 156 1 924  232  100.0 89.2 10.8
Narvik University College 38.8 46.3  659  552  107  100.0 83.8 16.2
Nesna University College 35.6 41.6  797  683  114  100.0 85.7 14.3
Harstad University College 43.2 48.8  659  583 76  100.0 88.5 11.5
Finnmark University College 39.2 47.2 1 187  984  203  100.0 82.9 17.1
Saami University College 23.8 34.1 76 53 23  100.0 69.7 30.3
Military colleges 26.5 59.0  757  340  417  100.0 44.9 55.1
Other public university colleges 50.7 55.5 10 284 9 388  896  100.0 91.3 8.7
Of which                
The Norwegian Police University College 66.8 67.2 1 716 1 707 9  100.0 99.5 0.5
Bergen National Academy of the Arts 57.3 57.9  276  273 3  100.0 98.9 1.1
Oslo National Academy of the Arts 54.3 56.3  485  468 17  100.0 96.5 3.5
Diakonhjemmet University College 43.3 47.6 1 262 1 148  114  100.0 91.0 9.0
NLA University College 41.2 49.2 1 223 1 024  199  100.0 83.7 16.3
Oslo School of Management 53.4 56.1 1 121 1 066 55  100.0 95.1 4.9
Queen Maud University College 51.3 56.7  766  694 72  100.0 90.6 9.4
1  Ordinary students are those registered per 1 October 2010 and are not on continuing education. Also students on distance education and part-time students are not in these figures.
2  University of Nordland, previously Bodø University College, were classified as university from 1 January 2011.
3  The state university colleges is a term for type of university college which is a result from a reform in 1994.
4  Logistics studies are not included.

Explanation of symbols