Statistics Norway

Credit point production at universities and colleges

8 Credit point production of ordinary1 full-time tertiary students, by gender and field of education. 2010/11 academic year. Per cent
Gender and field of education Total number of students Per cent
Total 0 credit points 1-29 credit points 30-59 credit points 60 credit points and above
Total  153 448  100.0 9.8 9.3 28.8 52.1
Humanities and Arts 17 320  100.0 14.6 11.1 28.5 45.8
Teacher Training and Pedagogy 21 632  100.0 9.5 6.4 31.1 53.1
Social Sciences and Law 24 403  100.0 11.9 8.5 28.6 51.1
Business and Administration 27 249  100.0 8.3 13.5 32.1 46.1
Natural Sciences, Vocational and Technical Subjects 29 372  100.0 8.4 10.4 30.4 50.8
Health, Welfare and Sport 29 046  100.0 7.2 6.8 24.1 61.9
Primary Industries  800  100.0 8.6 11.0 27.9 52.5
Transport and Communications, Safety and Security and other services 3 379  100.0 10.8 5.2 18.1 65.9
Unspecified field of education  247  100.0 88.7 2.8 4.5 4.0
Men 64 413  100.0 11.0 10.6 29.2 49.2
Humanities and Arts 6 725  100.0 16.2 12.0 27.1 44.7
Teacher Training and Pedagogy 5 457  100.0 12.3 8.4 31.6 47.7
Social Sciences and Law 9 277  100.0 14.1 9.3 28.8 47.8
Business and Administration 13 186  100.0 8.9 13.9 32.5 44.6
Natural Sciences, Vocational and Technical Subjects 20 430  100.0 9.1 10.8 29.8 50.4
Health, Welfare and Sport 6 450  100.0 9.1 7.1 25.5 58.3
Primary Industries  430  100.0 8.8 13.5 30.0 47.7
Transport and Communications, Safety and Security and other services 2 359  100.0 12.4 5.4 18.4 63.8
Unspecified field of education 99  100.0 86.9 4.0 4.0 5.1
Women 89 035  100.0 8.8 8.4 28.5 54.3
Humanities and Arts 10 595  100.0 13.6 10.6 29.4 46.4
Teacher Training and Pedagogy 16 175  100.0 8.6 5.7 30.9 54.9
Social Sciences and Law 15 126  100.0 10.5 8.0 28.4 53.1
Business and Administration 14 063  100.0 7.7 13.0 31.7 47.6
Natural Sciences, Vocational and Technical Subjects 8 942  100.0 7.0 9.4 31.8 51.8
Health, Welfare and Sport 22 596  100.0 6.7 6.7 23.6 62.9
Primary Industries  370  100.0 8.4 8.1 25.4 58.1
Transport and Communications, Safety and Security and other services 1 020  100.0 7.0 4.7 17.5 70.9
Unspecified field of education  148  100.0 89.9 2.0 4.7 3.4
1  Ordinary students are those registered per 1 October 2010 and are not on continuing education. Students on distance education and part-time students are not in these figures either.

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