Statistics Norway

Credit point production at universities and colleges

9 Average credit point production per ordinary1 full-time student with completed credits in tertiary education, by type of institution, gender and age. 2010/11 academic year. Absolute figures
Gender and age at 31 December 2010 Total number of students Total Universities Spesialised university institutions The state university colleges2 Military colleges Other university colleges3
Total  138 486       51.5 51.8 49.2 51.1 59.0 55.5
Under 20 years 8 900 50.3 51.6 48.2 49.2 45.8 52.8
20-24 years 80 070 53.6 53.3 50.4 54.6 55.1 57.5
25-29 years 26 294 51.2 51.0 46.9 51.6 77.4 57.5
30-34 years 8 263 47.8 47.8 45.1 47.5 53.9 51.4
35-39 years 5 562 46.2 46.9 45.4 45.5 57.8 48.3
40-44 years 4 262 44.3 45.3 44.3 43.7 32.5 45.6
45-49 years 2 822 42.6 45.3 44.4 41.0 - 43.9
50 years and over 2 313 37.5 40.0 37.9 36.1 - 37.5
Men 57 310 51.0 51.2 48.6 50.5 59.4 57.6
Under 20 years 3 092 49.0 50.2 47.1 48.2 46.4 49.2
20-24 years 33 973 52.6 52.6 49.7 53.2 55.2 57.9
25-29 years 12 201 51.2 50.7 46.4 51.5 79.3 61.6
30-34 years 3 435 48.0 48.0 44.8 47.2 53.9 56.8
35-39 years 1 816 45.7 46.2 45.1 44.7 57.8 50.7
40-44 years 1 260 42.8 43.2 43.0 42.4 32.5 44.4
45-49 years  786 41.4 44.7 46.5 39.5 - 42.8
50 years and over  747 37.5 39.8 42.5 36.3 - 34.0
Women 81 176 51.9 52.2 49.8 51.5 54.3 54.4
Under 20 years 5 808 51.0 52.4 49.0 49.6 41.7 54.1
20-24 years 46 097 54.4 53.9 51.1 55.5 54.0 57.3
25-29 years 14 093 51.2 51.2 47.5 51.7 59.6 54.3
30-34 years 4 828 47.6 47.7 45.4 47.6 54.0 48.6
35-39 years 3 746 46.4 47.4 45.7 45.8 58.0 47.4
40-44 years 3 002 45.0 46.4 45.2 44.2 - 46.0
45-49 years 2 036 43.0 45.6 43.9 41.6 - 44.1
50 years and over 1 566 37.5 40.0 36.3 36.0 - 38.4
1  Ordinary students are those registered per 1 October 2010 and are not on continuing education. Students on distance education and part-time students are not in these figures either.
2  The state university colleges is a term for type of university college which is a result from a reform in 1994.
3  Other university colleges includes: Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Bergen National Academy of the Arts, Norwegian Police University College and private university colleges.

Explanation of symbols