Statistics Norway

Transport, tourism and ICT, turnover index

1 Turnover index. Transport, tourism and ICT. Value index. 2005=100
  2009 2010 Change in
per cent
1st quarter 2010 2nd quarter 2010 3rd quarter 2010 4th quarter 2010 1st quarter 2011 2nd quarter 2011 3rd quarter 2011 Change from
3rd quarter 2010.
Per cent
H. Transportation and storage  113.0      115.6 2.3  107.6  116.7  116.4  121.6  111.6  116.3  119.8 2.9
49. Land transport and transport via pipelines  121.6  112.6 -7.5  108.6  109.3  111.4  120.9  109.5  110.4  111.9 0.5
49.1 Passenger rail transport, interurban  129.9  132.1 1.7  124.5  132.5  129.5  141.9  136.0  138.0  131.8 1.8
49.2 Freight rail transport  114.9  111.7 -2.7  102.5  107.0  114.7  122.8  108.6  109.3  103.6 -9.7
49.3 Other passenger land transport1  122.7 90.7 -26.1 89.3 91.1 87.2 95.4 96.7 94.0 93.6 7.3
49.4 Freight transport by road and removal services  125.0  129.4 3.5  117.3  125.2  132.9  142.1  127.1  134.6  142.6 7.3
49.5 Transport via pipelines  114.0  107.4 -5.7  114.8  101.1  101.3  112.6 91.6 85.7 80.4 -20.7
50. Water transport  104.0  109.9 5.6 97.7  117.0  111.6  113.2  101.7  109.3  116.3 4.2
50.1 Sea and coastal passenger water transport  216.4  209.4 -3.2  161.6  230.7  264.2  181.1  179.1  260.9  285.7 8.1
50.2 Sea and coastal freight water transport 98.2  104.7 6.6 94.4  111.1  103.7  109.7 97.8  101.5  107.5 3.6
51. Air transport  115.5  107.8 -6.7  110.2  104.5  108.5  108.1  110.4  116.9  111.4 2.7
51.1 Passenger air transport2  114.5  106.0 -7.5  109.4  102.5  106.2  105.7  108.7  114.4  109.0 2.6
51.2 Freight air transport and space transport3  170.0  209.3 23.1  152.4  211.2  232.1  241.4  203.8  254.1  243.8 5.0
52. Warehousing and support activities for transportation  120.9  135.8 12.4  124.9  132.9  139.6  145.9  134.8  140.1  144.7 3.6
52.1 Warehousing and storage  204.9  217.1 6.0  201.6  194.6  247.7  224.7  209.8  203.9  238.9 -3.6
52.2 Support activities for transportation1  117.9  133.0 12.8  122.2  130.8  135.8  143.2  132.1  137.8  141.4 4.1
53. Postal and courier activities  101.8  102.4 0.6  103.6  102.9 94.5  108.5  104.2  100.3 95.9 1.5
53.1 Postal activities under universal service obligation 98.0 96.4 -1.7 98.4 98.4 87.7  101.0 97.9 93.4 88.8 1.3
53.2 Other postal and courier activities  123.1  136.1 10.5  132.6  127.9  133.0  150.9  139.8  139.2  136.0 2.3
I. Accommodation and food service activities  129.2  133.1 3.0  113.9  136.6  147.3  134.6  124.4  145.9  156.1 5.9
55. Accommodation  124.9  128.9 3.2  110.4  131.5  149.2  124.3  120.4  140.1  157.2 5.4
55.1 Hotels and similar accommodation  124.6  128.6 3.3  111.6  130.6  143.1  129.2  122.8  138.7  151.5 5.8
55.2 Holiday and short-stay accommodation  141.1  156.7 11.0  165.9  148.9  207.1  104.9  160.5  156.4  206.4 -0.3
55.3 Camping grounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks  130.2  127.8 -1.9 70.6  147.2  228.6 64.7 71.1  164.3  235.6 3.1
55.9 Other accommodation 80.4 75.2 -6.6 61.3 75.8 87.4 76.1 69.4 83.4 94.9 8.5
56. Food and beverage service activities  132.0  135.8 2.9  116.1  139.8  146.2  141.0  126.8  149.5  155.3 6.3
56.1 Restaurants and moblie food service activities  125.0  128.2 2.6  107.4  133.2  141.2  130.9  116.1  141.9  148.7 5.3
56.2 Event catering and other food service activities  150.8  155.9 3.4  140.2  155.3  156.6  171.5  158.9  170.1  173.3 10.7
56.3 Beverage serving activities  173.3  181.9 5.0  163.9  190.0  190.0  183.8  173.7  194.9  194.9 2.6
J. Information and communication  129.3  131.0 1.3  131.7  125.5  120.8  145.8  139.6  132.1  125.9 4.2
58. Publishing activities  120.9  125.6 3.9  130.8  116.1  111.9  143.5  134.1  119.9  112.8 0.8
58.1 Publishing of books, periodicals and other publishing activities  107.1  110.4 3.1  108.3  107.0  103.6  122.6  108.9  106.2  102.5 -1.0
58.2 Software publishing  165.1  174.3 5.5  202.8  145.3  138.6  210.5  215.2  163.8  145.5 5.0
59. Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities  127.4  129.2 1.4  121.3  123.5  112.7  159.1  117.6  138.5  127.8 13.4
59.1 Motion picture, video and television programme activities  131.2  133.4 1.7  126.5  128.5  115.7  163.2  122.4  145.5  133.9 15.7
59.2 Sound recording and music publishing activities 94.8 92.3 -2.6 77.2 80.8 87.0  124.1 76.4 78.2 75.9 -12.8
60. Programming and broadcasting activities  127.1  137.0 7.8  129.8  138.8  132.0  147.3  140.6  149.9  139.4 5.6
60.1 Radio broadcasting  116.5  116.6 0.0  104.8  111.8  114.1  135.6  125.3  135.4  121.0 6.0
60.2 Television programming and broadcasting activities  128.0  138.8 8.4  132.0  141.2  133.6  148.3  141.9  151.1  141.0 5.6
61. Telecommunications  120.9  123.4 2.1  123.0  119.4  121.8  129.5  125.6  119.1  119.1 -2.2
61.1 Wired telecommunications activities  117.0  118.8 1.6  119.4  114.1  114.2  127.7  123.9  114.7  109.3 -4.3
61.2 Wiireless telecommunications activities  125.6  128.6 2.3  129.3  124.8  130.8  129.4  128.0  121.5  130.7 0.0
61.3 Satellite telecommunications activities  133.1  130.9 -1.7  122.9  130.1  128.5  142.0  126.2  138.5  116.7 -9.2
61.9 Other telecommunications activities 95.4  112.9 18.4 95.3  111.6  109.6  135.3  118.8  119.0  127.3 16.2
62. Computer programming; consultancy and related activities  152.2  147.1 -3.3  147.6  141.3  126.8  172.9  168.3  158.8  144.7 14.1
62.0 Computer programming, consultancy and related activities  152.2  147.1 -3.3  147.6  141.3  126.8  172.9  168.3  158.8  144.7 14.1
63. Information service activities  120.8  129.4 7.0  136.1  126.5  117.6  137.3  148.9  136.8  133.2 13.2
63.1 Data processing, hosting and related activities; web-portals  157.1  173.8 10.6  183.3  170.0  156.7  184.9  197.9  187.1  184.9 18.0
63.9 Other information service activities 56.6 50.6 -10.5 52.2 49.3 48.2 52.8 62.1 47.7 41.4 -14.0
1  The figures for 2010 are not comparable with previous years due to the reorganisation of public transport in Oslo and Akershus.
2  The figures for 2010 are not comparable with previous years due to revisions.
3  The figures for 2009 are not comparable with previous years due to revision of industries.

Explanation of symbols