Statistics Norway

Structural statistics. Construction

2   Principal figures, by number of persons employed and industry group. Local kind-of-activity units1. 2002
Industry group NACE Total Local KAUs with employment
-2 3-4 5-9 10-19 20-29 30-
45 Local KAUs 36 360        27 872        2 794        2 990        1 609         466         629
Employment  134 335 26 214 9 503 19 684 21 284 11 017 46 633
Turnover. NOK million2  151 136.6 18 993.8 9 340.2 21 055.1 24 782.1 12 963.6 64 001.8
Compensation of employees. NOK million2 40 187.8 1 779.7 2 539.3 6 242.3 7 420.5 3 994.3 18 211.7
Investment. NOK millon2 3 327.5 1 213.0  252.4  583.0  407.1  193.7  678.2
 45.1 Local KAUs 3 983.0 3 217.0  313.0  269.0  114.0 38.0 32.0
Employment 9 954.0 2 917.0 1 069.0 1 782.0 1 509.0  862.0 1 815.0
Turnover. NOK million2 10 527.4 2 327.2 1 054.8 1 886.6 1 626.3 1 028.6 2 604.0
Compensation of employees. NOK million 2 495.9  183.3  270.9  558.4  510.2  302.1  671.0
Investment. NOK millon2  733.6  324.1 83.4  119.9 82.5 45.5 78.1
45.2 Local KAUs 16 574 12 595 1 385 1 355  707  214  318
Employment 65 397 12 129 4 688 8 840 9 354 5 075 25 311
Turnover. NOK million2 86 296.9 9 011.7 4 635.1 9 997.7 12 302.5 6 930.7 43 419.3
Compensation of employees. NOK million2 20 307.6  849.2 1 241.5 2 793.9 3 310.1 1 858.6 10 254.3
Investment. NOK millon2 1 571.3  475.5  152.9  302.8  183.8 94.9  361.4
45.3 Local KAUs 6 160 3 558  617  979  597  169  240
Employment 41 778 3 501 2 127 6 538 7 902 4 004 17 706
Turnover. NOK million2 40 437.5 3 109.4 2 179.0 6 817.4 8 241.5 3 975.7 16 114.6
Compensation of employees. NOK million2 13 937.4  410.2  599.9 2 103.1 2 754.6 1 446.7 6 623.0
Investment. NOK millon2  456.3 89.0 -44.8  100.8 86.1 42.9  182.2
45.4 Local KAUs 9 050 8 027  438  350  170 36 29
Employment 15 456 7 226 1 478 2 276 2 250  855 1 371
Turnover. NOK million2 12 051.3 4 182.0 1 322.0 2 114.7 2 308.6  797.0 1 326.9
Compensation of employees. NOK million2 2 948.2  309.2  389.8  708.2  747.7  300.4  492.9
Investment. NOK millon2  407.2  266.5 32.0 40.0 44.6 12.1 12.1
45.5 Local KAUs  593  475 41 37 21 9 10
Employment 1 750  441  141  248  269  221  430
Turnover. NOK million2 1 823.5  363.6  149.2  238.7  303.3  231.6  537.1
Compensation of employees. NOK million2  498.8 27.9 37.2 78.8 97.9 86.6  170.4
Investment. NOK millon2  159.1 58.0 28.9 19.5 10.1 -1.8 44.4
1  Only private sector, state enterprises, state-owned enterprises, municipal business undertakings and independent council enterprises are included.
1  VAT is not included.              

Explanation of symbols