Statistics Norway

Construction, structural business statistics

2 Principal figures, by number of persons employed and industry group. Local kind-of-activity units1. 2007
Industry group NACE Total Local KAUs with employment
-2 3-4 5-9 10-19 20-29 30-
45 Local KAUs 42 931 32 493 3 493 3 288 2 071  682  904
Employment  172 797 30 957 11 852 21 334 27 632 16 179 64 843
Turnover. NOK million2  282 352.2 31 171.5 16 358.5 34 271.3 43 061.0 27 684.0  129 805.9
Compensation of employees. NOK million2 69 054.8 3 455.3 4 424.4 9 093.8 11 871.2 7 265.1 32 945.1
Gross Investment. NOK millon2 7 497.4 2 281.5  665.8 1 039.4  977.9  427.7 2 105.0
45.1 Local KAUs 5 269 4 140  400  368  225 65 71
Employment 16 725 3 877 1 341 2 349 2 998 1 552 4 608
Turnover. NOK million2 26 540.4 4 346.9 1 919.9 3 589.9 4 758.9 2 687.3 9 237.5
Compensation of employees. NOK million 6 039.3  413.6  477.3  955.5 1 268.8  692.9 2 231.1
Gross Investment. NOK million2 1 878.8  720.4  193.5  293.3  275.0  100.8  295.7
45.2 Local KAUs 19 987 15 057 1 749 1 516  872  314  479
Employment 87 984 14 410 5 900 9 789 11 767 7 434 38 684
Turnover. NOK million2  171 410.5 15 046.8 8 287.1 17 733.8 21 433.1 15 177.9 93 731.9
Compensation of employees. NOK million2 36 590.9 1 559.7 2 151.0 4 150.3 5 117.0 3 326.8 20 286.0
Gross Investment. NOK million2 3 893.7  875.7  267.8  471.2  440.4  288.3 1 550.3
45.3 Local KAUs 7 659 4 639  782  963  719  245  311
Employment 48 617 4 712 2 730 6 308 9 585 5 816 19 466
Turnover. NOK million2 64 149.5 5 562.0 3 911.9 9 432.3 12 846.7 8 265.7 24 130.9
Compensation of employees. NOK million2 21 164.4  888.4 1 140.2 2 844.1 4 144.2 2 667.6 9 479.9
Gross Investment. NOK million2  864.9  207.7  110.7  184.1  169.7 23.9  168.8
45.4 Local KAUs 9 452 8 219  516  400  232 53 32
Employment 17 609 7 578 1 723 2 626 3 004 1 265 1 413
Turnover. NOK million2 17 747.7 5 802.9 2 036.4 3 142.5 3 641.6 1 389.0 1 735.4
Compensation of employees. NOK million2 4 523.8  557.7  601.1 1 030.9 1 220.3  518.4  595.5
Gross Investment. NOK million2  617.2  376.5 66.7 66.5 74.7 14.0 18.8
45.5 Local KAUs  564  438 46 41 23 5 11
Employment 1 862  380  158  262  278  112  672
Turnover. NOK million2 2 504.2  412.9  203.3  372.9  380.6  164.1  970.3
Compensation of employees. NOK million2  736.4 35.8 54.8  112.9  120.9 59.3  352.7
Gross Investment. NOK million2  242.9  101.2 27.1 24.3 18.1 0.7 71.5
1  Only private sector, state enterprises, state-owned enterprises, municipal business undertakings and independent council enterprises are included.
2  VAT is not included.

Explanation of symbols