Statistics Norway

Construction, structural business statistics

4 Principal figures, by region and industry group1. Local KAUs. 2007
Region Industry group Local KAUs Employment Turnover Wages and salaries Gross Investments
        NOK million2
The whole country          
Total 42 931  172 797  282 352.2 57 936.2 7 497.4
Akershus og Oslo          
45 Construction, total 8 327 39 362 73 251.0 14 209.3 1 791.6
45.1 Site preparation  491 1 646 2 665.8  539.6  228.8
45.2 Building of complete constructions or parts thereof; civil engineering 3 596 20 502 46 899.2 7 857.0 1 085.8
45.3 Building installation 1 787 12 022 17 583.5 4 525.4  260.7
45.4 Building completion 2 404 4 838 5 639.8 1 142.6  185.7
45.5 Renting of construction or demolition equipment with operator 49  354  462.8  144.7 30.6
Hedmark og Oppland          
45 Construction, total 4 208 13 322 18 663.8 3 953.4  654.4
45.1 Site preparation  637 1 677 2 520.6  460.7  231.4
45.2 Building of complete constructions or parts thereof; civil engineering 1 884 6 589 10 394.9 2 019.1  294.6
45.3 Building installation  601 3 420 4 201.9 1 183.4 49.1
45.4 Building completion 1 030 1 541 1 428.1  271.0 65.3
45.5 Renting of construction or demolition equipment with operator 56 95  118.4 19.3 14.0
Østfold, Vestfold, Buskerud og Telemark          
45 Construction, total 10 025 35 426 56 417.5 11 287.7 1 497.2
45.1 Site preparation 1 286 3 862 6 376.9 1 155.8  419.7
45.2 Building of complete constructions or parts thereof; civil engineering 4 673 17 759 33 615.7 5 822.2  667.5
45.3 Building installation 1 692 9 595 12 304.0 3 437.0  192.2
45.4 Building completion 2 258 3 766 3 540.9  727.2  133.1
45.5 Renting of construction or demolition equipment with operator  116  444  580.0  145.4 84.8
Aust-Agder, Vest-Agder og Rogaland          
45 Construction, total 6 063 26 033 45 419.6 8 851.0 1 277.9
45.1 Site preparation  805 2 892 4 794.4  937.5  339.2
45.2 Building of complete constructions or parts thereof; civil engineering 3 072 13 537 28 492.7 4 682.7  700.8
45.3 Building installation  978 6 903 9 122.3 2 560.2  120.1
45.4 Building completion 1 142 2 419 2 559.4  562.6 79.0
45.5 Renting of construction or demolition equipment with operator 66  282  450.8  108.0 38.8
Hordaland, Sogn og Fjordane og Møre og Romsdal          
45 Construction, total 7 590 28 722 43 774.5 9 389.7 1 153.1
45.1 Site preparation 1 095 3 089 4 696.5  939.4  339.4
45.2 Building of complete constructions or parts thereof; civil engineering 3 698 14 645 25 807.5 4 837.4  562.4
45.3  Building installation 1 280 8 139 10 386.7 2 952.6  119.0
45.4 Building completion 1 358 2 460 2 348.5  541.8 82.0
45.5 Renting of construction or demolition equipment with operator  159  389  535.3  118.5 50.4
Sør-Trøndelag og Nord-Trøndelag          
45 Construction, total 3 087 14 353 22 717.3 4 928.1  405.6
45.1 Site preparation  398 1 540 2 564.2  488.7  104.6
45.2 Building of complete constructions or parts thereof; civil engineering 1 441 6 930 13 220.2 2 429.9  217.1
45.3 Building installation  595 4 418 5 608.1 1 643.4 50.5
45.4 Building completion  607 1 319 1 135.9  320.6 26.8
45.5 Renting of construction or demolition equipment with operator 46  146  188.9 45.5 6.5
Nordland, Troms Romsa, Finnmark Finnmárku and other Norwegian territories3          
45  Construction, total 3 631 15 579 22 108.5 5 317.0  717.6
45.1 Site preparation  557 2 019 2 922.0  662.1  215.7
45.2 Building of complete constructions or parts thereof; civil engineering 1 623 8 022 12 980.3 2 838.8  365.5
45.3 Building installation  726 4 120 4 942.9 1 470.4 73.2
45.4 Building completion  653 1 266 1 095.2  299.6 45.4
45.5 Renting of construction or demolition equipment with operator 72  152  168.0 46.1 17.7
1  Only private sector, state enterprises, state-owned enterprises, municipal business undertakings, and independent council enterprises are included.
2  VAT is not included.
3  Svalbard, Jan Mayen and the Norwegian continental shelf.

Explanation of symbols