Statistics Norway

Construction, structural business statistics

5 Principal figures, by industry subclass. Enterprises1. 2006 and 2007
Industry subclass (NACE) Enterprises Owners Employees Persons employed Man-labour year Compensation of employees
2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007
                      Million NOK2
45 Construction 39 698 42 195 20 699 22 276  137 151  150 511  157 850  172 787  121 949  140 685 58 290.3 69 179.5
45.1 Site preparation 4 848 5 259 2 467 2 782 11 798 13 730 14 265 16 512 10 659 12 621 4 825.3 5 908.5
45.11 Demolition and wrecking og buildings; earth moving 4 848 5 259 2 467 2 782 11 798 13 730 14 265 16 512 10 659 12 621 4 825.3 5 908.5
45.2 Building of complete constructions or parts thereof; civil engineering 18 314 19 729 9 654 10 572 70 723 77 143 80 377 87 715 61 652 71 976 30 683.1 36 484.1
45.21 General construction of buildings and civil engineering works 13 430 14 573 7 248 7 962 51 594 56 060 58 842 64 022 44 269 52 106 22 283.7 26 680.6
45.211 General constuction of buildings 13 134 14 290 7 152 7 873 46 887 50 554 54 039 58 427 39 730 46 733 19 858.0 23 592.1
45.212 General construction of civil engineering works  296  283 96 89 4 707 5 506 4 803 5 595 4 539 5 373 2 425.7 3 088.5
45.22 Erection of roof covering and frames  950  998  462  509 2 967 3 278 3 429 3 787 2 627 3 023 1 127.5 1 388.0
45.221 Tinsmith work  677  712  328  362 1 739 1 904 2 067 2 266 1 513 1 763  637.8  792.4
45.229 Other erection of roof covering and frames  273  286  134  147 1 228 1 374 1 362 1 521 1 115 1 260  489.7  595.7
45.23 Construction of highways, roads, airfields and sport facilities  246  233 71 69 6 076 6 219 6 147 6 288 5 953 6 183 3 032.6 3 136.0
45.24 Construction of water projects 25 28 6 6  158  194  164  200  151  181 67.8 91.2
45.25 Other construction work involving special trades 3 663 3 897 1 867 2 026 9 928 11 392 11 795 13 418 8 651 10 481 4 171.5 5 188.3
45.3 Building installation 6 855 7 232 2 315 2 500 43 046 46 710 45 361 49 210 39 460 44 500 18 413.6 21 577.4
45.31 Installation of electrical wiring and fittings 3 132 3 264  942  997 26 786 28 701 27 728 29 698 24 505 27 462 11 645.7 13 561.7
45.32 Insulation work activities  100  109 38 41  432  526  470  567  405  504  176.9  229.8
45.33 Plumbing 3 533 3 761 1 287 1 408 15 551 17 168 16 838 18 576 14 303 16 234 6 465.9 7 625.9
45.34 Other building installation 90 98 48 54  277  315  325  369  248  299  125.1  160.0
45.4 Building completion 9 152 9 422 5 964 6 121 10 185 11 370 16 149 17 491 8 895 10 136 3 740.4 4 473.1
45.41 Plastering 7 6 3 2 2 4 5 6 1 2 0.2 0.9
45.42 Joinery installation 5 316 5 389 3 797 3 829 2 795 3 187 6 592 7 016 2 291 2 693  953.9 1 179.9
45.43 Floor and wall covering  903  939  522  573 1 095 1 283 1 617 1 856  979 1 151  434.6  538.0
45.44 Painting and glazing 2 675 2 841 1 523 1 595 5 603 6 180 7 126 7 775 4 981 5 633 2 093.1 2 466.4
45.441 Painting 2 378 2 533 1 407 1 476 4 780 5 254 6 187 6 730 4 254 4 776 1 789.2 2 088.8
45.442 Glazing  297  308  116  119  823  926  939 1 045  727  857  303.8  377.6
45.45 Other building completion  251  247  119  122  690  716  809  838  644  657  258.7  287.8
45.5 Renting of construction or demolition equipment with operator  529  553  299  301 1 399 1 558 1 698 1 859 1 283 1 452  628.0  736.4
  Turnover2 Production value Value added Total purchases of goods and services Gross investment  
  2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007    
45 Construction1  234 253.7  283 861.1  230 227.3  280 677.5 80 349.5 96 309.2  155 353.2  189 559.8 5 397.9 7 508.1    
45.1 Site preparation 21 140.4 26 159.2 21 151.8 26 171.1 7 710.1 9 489.2 13 580.1 16 792.6 1 192.5 1 865.5    
45.11 Demolition and wrecking og buildings; earth moving 21 140.4 26 159.2 21 151.8 26 171.1 7 710.1 9 489.2 13 580.1 16 792.6 1 192.5 1 865.5    
45.2 Building of complete constructions or parts thereof; civil engineering  140 034.1  170 602.6  138 766.1  169 941.6 41 740.9 49 933.2 99 169.2  121 925.8 3 013.5 3 916.2    
45.21 General construction of buildings and civil engineering works  108 990.0  132 455.2  107 880.7  131 919.8 30 299.4 36 256.5 79 497.8 97 303.9 1 497.0 2 216.9    
45.211 General constuction of buildings 99 773.3  120 828.1 98 684.3  120 331.0 27 380.5 32 339.3 73 128.5 89 372.0 1 287.1 1 901.0    
45.212 General construction of civil engineering works 9 216.7 11 627.1 9 196.4 11 588.9 2 918.9 3 917.2 6 369.3 7 931.8  209.9  315.9    
45.22 Erection of roof covering and frames 3 806.3 4 759.4 3 770.6 4 716.1 1 548.6 1 972.3 2 300.5 2 814.4  105.3  139.0    
45.221 Tinsmith work 2 091.3 2 642.8 2 066.0 2 603.8  911.1 1 189.8 1 201.8 1 470.7 66.1 93.3    
45.229 Other erection of roof covering and frames 1 715.0 2 116.6 1 704.7 2 112.2  637.6  782.5 1 098.7 1 343.7 39.2 45.7    
45.23 Construction of highways, roads, airfields and sport facilities 11 703.0 14 552.0 11 674.9 14 520.0 3 476.9 3 824.0 8 248.9 10 756.6  855.4  703.1    
45.24 Construction of water projects  256.9  364.3  257.4  364.7 95.0  124.5  164.8  242.7 15.5 16.0    
45.25 Other construction work involving special trades 15 277.9 18 471.8 15 182.4 18 421.1 6 321.0 7 755.8 8 957.3 10 808.2  540.3  841.3    
45.3 Building installation 55 987.2 66 973.5 53 409.9 64 693.8 23 295.6 27 927.9 33 012.1 39 535.7  571.5  868.4    
45.31 Installation of electrical wiring and fittings 32 004.1 37 825.6 30 295.0 36 605.7 14 276.8 16 898.2 17 908.6 21 187.5  268.9  364.6    
45.32 Insulation work activities  506.4  632.5  506.0  633.0  227.6  283.7  280.9  353.8 7.4 6.6    
45.33 Plumbing 23 081.3 27 996.9 22 217.9 26 942.1 8 623.3 10 527.6 14 600.6 17 684.7  289.4  483.9    
45.34 Other building installation  395.3  518.6  391.0  513.1  167.8  218.3  222.1  309.6 5.9 13.3    
45.4 Building completion 14 931.3 17 622.4 14 739.1 17 370.0 6 558.1 7 723.8 8 465.9 10 026.1  228.6  615.1    
45.41 Plastering 2.2 3.5 2.2 3.5 1.3 2.4 1.0 1.1 0.4 0.0    
45.42 Joinery installation 5 720.1 6 630.0 5 706.1 6 617.6 2 397.5 2 785.3 3 369.5 3 942.3 75.0  352.5    
45.43 Floor and wall covering 1 819.0 2 215.4 1 812.3 2 196.6  724.5  903.3 1 105.3 1 323.0 32.0 70.6    
45.44 Painting and glazing 6 557.8 7 759.0 6 387.6 7 563.1 3 068.4 3 611.5 3 522.2 4 176.2  112.3  172.8    
45.441 Painting 5 433.9 6 373.2 5 281.0 6 220.4 2 640.9 3 081.6 2 814.1 3 305.7 97.3  143.5    
45.442 Glazing 1 123.9 1 385.8 1 106.6 1 342.8  427.5  529.9  708.1  870.5 15.0 29.3    
45.45 Other building completion  832.1 1 014.5  830.9  989.2  366.4  421.4  467.8  583.4 9.0 19.3    
45.5 Renting of construction or demolition equipment with operator 2 160.8 2 503.4 2 160.4 2 500.9 1 044.9 1 235.1 1 125.9 1 279.7  391.8  242.8    
1  Only private sector, state enterprises, state-owned enterprises, municipal business undertakings and independent council enterprises are included.
2  VAT is not included.

Explanation of symbols