Statistics Norway

Construction, structural business statistics

2 Principal figures, by number of persons employed and industry group. Local kind-of-activity units1. 2008
Industry group NACE Total Local KAUs with employment
0-9 10-19 20-49 50-249 250-
Local KAUs 48 758 44 472 2 465 1 370  415 36
Employment  195 255 71 588 33 018 40 504 35 350 14 795
Turnover. NOK million2  350 974.6  116 990.2 51 355.1 69 565.3 76 357.3 36 706.6
Compensation of employees. NOK million 80 031.5 19 412.7 14 164.2 18 903.9 18 716.1 8 834.7
Gross investment. NOK million2 13 184.1 9 416.6 1 222.8  880.1 1 080.3  584.3
41. Construction of buildings            
Local KAUs 18 848 17 444  771  470  150 13
Employment 67 527 24 943 10 338 14 198 12 787 5 261
Turnover. NOK million2  163 713.7 61 853.8 18 557.1 29 897.5 35 936.1 17 469.3
Compensation of employees. NOK million2 27 542.7 6 519.8 4 250.6 6 494.9 6 961.4 3 315.9
Gross investment. NOK millon2 8 545.4 7 519.8  478.1  268.0  251.9 27.5
42. Civil engineering            
Local KAUs  926  676  105 89 45 11
Employment 15 525 1 573 1 432 2 695 4 307 5 518
Turnover. NOK million2 37 287.1 2 799.1 4 103.5 5 284.5 11 869.2 13 230.8
Compensation of employees. NOK million 8 492.5  586.1  692.0 1 319.4 2 504.6 3 390.4
Gross investment. NOK million2 1 205.8  164.2 81.2  135.8  338.5  486.1
43. Specialised construction activities            
Local KAUs 28 984 26 352 1 589  811  220 12
Employment  112 203 45 072 21 248 23 611 18 256 4 016
Turnover. NOK million2  149 973.8 52 337.4 28 694.4 34 383.3 28 552.1 6 006.5
Compensation of employees. NOK million2 43 996.3 12 306.9 9 221.5 11 089.6 9 250.0 2 128.3
Gross investment. NOK million2 3 432.9 1 732.5  663.5  476.3  489.9 70.7
1  Only private sector, state enterprises, state-owned enterprises, municipal business undertakings and independent council enterprises are included.
2  VAT is not included.

Explanation of symbols