Statistics Norway

Computer-related activities - structural statistics

1 Computer and related activities. Principal figures, by industry subclass. Local kind-of-activity units. 2001-2006
Industry subclass Local KAUs Employment1 Turnover2 Operating income Operating costs Personnel costs Production value Value added3 Gross investments4
      NOK million
72 Computer and related activities, total                  
2001 7 551 38 179 45 362.4 45 467.9 49 909.4 19 164.4 43 216.3 18 912.1 1 710.5
2002 8 334 38 858 42 590.4 43 330.0 45 186.6 18 617.2 40 206.0 19 266.2 2 061.0
20036 9 043 35 919 39 560.2 39 948.3 39 001.4 16 800.8 37 423.8 19 735.0 1 028.3
2004 9 670 34 969 44 069.0 44 376.6 42 077.0 17 653.1 41 032.5 22 400.3 1 339.7
2005 9 617 36 106 48 593.2 48 897.2 45 380.1 19 318.4 45 509.1 24 949.8 1 510.2
2006 9 601 38 044 54 466.0 54 686.0 50 698.6 22 273.8 51 673.9 28 462.7 1 728.7
72.1 Hardware consultancy                  
2001  109  325  338.5  338.8  340.6  116.5  294.0  132.0 8.4
2002  150  465  495.6  497.0  452.6  163.6  415.2  228.6 10.9
20036  142  431  537.4  538.6  442.7  156.8  334.8  264.0 11.8
2004  143  381  586.6  586.8  564.1  162.4  370.2  198.8 13.7
2005  127  312  527.2  529.8  458.8  139.2  373.0  226.5 8.5
2006  118  358  655.5  657.9  591.4  189.3  599.4  276.5 6.7
72.2 Software consultancy and supply                  
2001 6 028 29 776 33 572.8 33 636.6 35 664.7 15 312.0 32 053.2 15 285.8 1 221.2
2002 6 692 29 720 30 872.9 31 586.4 32 625.4 14 478.3 29 250.6 14 649.3  681.7
20036 7 549 28 781 29 589.3 29 938.5 29 428.9 13 503.8 27 779.2 15 219.3  687.4
2004 8 189 27 098 32 450.3 32 725.7 30 973.0 13 659.4 30 043.7 17 018.8  696.2
2005 8 197 27 409 35 107.9 35 391.2 32 758.8 14 551.4 32 517.5 18 357.0  886.8
2006 8 254 29 124 40 175.6 40 353.8 37 385.5 16 956.1 37 815.5 21 310.9  972.8
72.21 Publishing of software5                  
2001 . . . . . . . . .
2002  830 6 420 8 002.1 8 038.8 8 455.0 3 308.2 7 639.6 3 381.5  168.9
20036  825 5 525 7 343.0 7 458.3 7 216.6 2 856.9 7 197.1 3 404.1  229.4
2004  854 5 634 7 466.7 7 521.1 7 218.4 3 021.9 7 264.0 3 868.0 74.5
2005  843 5 703 7 901.1 7 937.8 7 386.2 3 235.5 7 745.5 4 092.3  135.7
2006  844 6 274 9 779.6 9 839.4 9 239.5 3 903.2 9 646.8 4 908.7  134.4
72.22 Other software consultancy and supply5                  
2001 . . . . . . . . .
2002 5 862 23 300 22 870.8 23 547.6 24 170.4 11 170.1 21 611.0 11 267.8  512.9
20036 6 724 23 256 22 246.3 22 480.2 22 212.2 10 646.9 20 582.1 11 815.2  458.0
2004 7 335 21 464 24 983.6 25 204.6 23 754.6 10 637.6 22 779.6 13 150.8  621.7
2005 7 354 21 706 27 206.8 27 453.4 25 372.6 11 315.9 24 772.0 14 264.7  751.1
2006 7 410 22 850 30 396.0 30 514.4 28 146.1 13 052.9 28 168.7 16 402.2  838.4
72.3 Data processing                  
2001  267 3 474 5 684.6 5 688.0 6 443.8 1 802.2 5 352.3 2 089.0  328.5
2002  262 3 491 5 243.9 5 256.9 5 632.9 1 882.9 4 712.9 2 041.2  714.4
20036  228 3 189 5 828.3 5 831.1 5 560.7 1 805.7 5 753.3 2 689.8  266.3
20047  249 4 444 7 809.1 7 817.6 7 499.5 2 622.2 7 476.2 3 641.8  531.1
20057  241 5 305 9 491.0 9 497.4 8 909.5 3 325.1 9 247.3 4 687.1  519.5
2006  268 5 587 9 989.5 10 023.0 9 424.0 3 769.2 9 713.1 5 035.7  679.7
72.4 Data base activities                  
2001  838 3 288 3 822.0 3 859.9 5 299.5 1 416.2 3 820.1  996.3 92.9
2002  875 3 678 4 428.1 4 437.1 4 766.1 1 552.6 4 366.2 1 787.2  406.6
20036  815 2 526 2 869.6 2 903.7 2 852.2 1 014.4 2 865.9 1 204.9 56.0
20046  770 2 184 2 518.8 2 540.5 2 380.2  915.9 2 493.7 1 186.7 88.0
20056  752 2 254 2 776.1 2 786.9 2 584.2  987.8 2 741.8 1 330.5 91.1
2006  694 2 167 2 945.2 2 950.5 2 677.3 1 043.4 2 886.2 1 433.6 63.0
72.5 Maintenance and repair of office, accounting and computing machinery                  
2001  205  738  752.0  752.1  698.4  261.1  664.0  327.3 6.8
2002  242  881  621.7  623.6  588.8  249.9  579.7  302.5 9.0
20036  250  885  673.5  674.2  654.7  289.4  631.4  324.4 7.6
2004  275  799  653.7  655.4  618.1  276.9  599.3  328.3 10.5
2005  276  812  681.9  682.5  660.2  312.7  622.4  345.2 4.1
2006  253  797  692.8  693.2  612.5  313.2  653.7  403.7 6.4
72.6 Other computer related activities                  
2001  104  578 1 192.5 1 192.5 1 462.4  256.3 1 032.7 81.7 52.8
2002  113  623  928.3  929.0 1 120.8  289.9  881.4  257.5  238.3
20036 59  107 61.9 62.2 62.2 30.7 59.1 32.6 -0.7
20046 44 63 50.4 50.6 42.2 16.2 49.5 25.8 0.2
20056 24 14 9.0 9.4 8.6 2.4 7.1 3.5 0.1
2006 14 11 7.5 7.5 7.9 2.6 6.0 2.4 0.1
1  Average number of persons during the year. From 2004 employment are collected from the Register of Employees and Employers (Aa-Register).
2  Operating income without special taxes, subsidies and profits from the sales of fixed assets. Exclusive of VAT.
3  At factor cost.
4  Investments in fixed assets, improvements are added while sales are deducted.
5  Published only on 3 digit level in 2001.
6  The figures are not fully comparable with previous years due to revision of industries.
7  The increase is mainly caused by move within the disivion 72.

Explanation of symbols