Statistics Norway

Real estate, renting and business activities - structural statistics

5   Principal figures, by industry subclass. Enterprises. 2000 and 20011
Industry group Enterprises Owners Employees Persons employed
2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001
The whole country 68 377 73 348 23 601 19 703  206 694  210 233  230 295  229 936
70   Real estate activities 24 562 26 512 2 038 2 295 20 792 19 746 22 830 22 041
70.1  Real estate activities with own property 5 001 5 029  103  119 4 347 4 001 4 450 4 120
70.11  Development and selling of real estate  997 1 170 23 26 2 103 2 331 2 126 2 357
70.111 House building cooperative  113  110 0 0 1 482 1 553 1 482 1 553
70.112 Other development and sale of real estate  884 1 060 23 26  621  778  644  804
70.12  Buying and selling of own real estate 4 004 3 859 80 93 2 244 1 670 2 324 1 763
70.2   Letting of own property 16 854 18 527 1 375 1 641 10 609 9 778 11 984 11 419
70.202 Other letting of own property 16 854 18 527 1 375 1 641 10 609 9 778 11 984 11 419
70.3   Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis 2 707 2 956  560  535 5 836 5 967 6 396 6 502
70.31  Real estate agencies  734  837  156  165 2 810 3 101 2 966 3 266
70.32  Management of real estate on a fee or contract basis 1 973 2 119  404  370 3 026 2 866 3 430 3 236
71     Renting of machinery and equipment without operator and of personal and household goods 2 370 2 466  718  742 5 875 5 425 6 593 6 167
71.1   Renting of automobiles  428  416 80 88 1 034  892 1 114  980
71.2   Renting of other transport equipment  313  326 96 92  550  465  646  557
71.3   Renting of other machinery and equipment 1 150 1 224  334  367 2 715 2 520 3 049 2 887
71.31  Renting of agricultural machinery and equipment 71 85 24 39 28 5 52 44
71.32  Renting of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment  384  421  130  136 1 045 1 053 1 175 1 189
71.33  Renting of office machinery and equipment including computers 57 62 7 5  348  322  355  327
71.34  Renting of other machinery equipment n.e.c.  638  656  173  187 1 294 1 140 1 467 1 327
71.4   Renting of personal and household goods n.e.c.  479  500  208  195 1 576 1 548 1 784 1 743
72     Computer and related activities 6 219 7 246 2 648 1 866 33 655 36 429 36 303 38 295
72.1   Hardware consultancy 99  108 27 28  283  320  310  348
72.2   Software consultancy and supply 4 843 5 826 2 107 1 532 26 079 29 067 28 186 30 599
72.3   Data processing  235  207 93 50 2 693 2 297 2 786 2 347
72.4   Data base activities  760  832  292  148 3 573 3 755 3 865 3 903
72.5   Maintenance and repair of office, accounting and computing machinery  169  181 84 82  712  684  796  766
72.6   Other computer related activities  113 92 45 26  315  306  360  332
73     Research and development  213  256 39 41 6 704 6 751 6 743 6 792
73.1   Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering  144  177 26 29 5 154 5 177 5 180 5 206
73.2   Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities 69 79 13 12 1 550 1 574 1 563 1 586
74     Other business activities 35 013 36 868 18 158 14 759  139 668  141 882  157 826  156 641
74.1   Legal, accounting, book-keeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy; market research and public opinion polling; business and management consultancy; holdings 10 182 10 730 6 031 5 513 27 674 27 589 33 705 33 102
74.11 Legal activities 1 582 1 950 2 189 2 383 4 199 4 058 6 388 6 441
74.12  Accounting, book-keeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy 4 768 4 856 2 351 2 016 15 333 15 746 17 684 17 762
74.121 Accounting and book-keeping 3 962 3 960 1 894 1 526 9 862 10 041 11 756 11 567
74.122 Auditing  731  818  431  470 5 400 5 644 5 831 6 114
74.123 Tax consultancy services 75 78 26 20 71 61 97 81
74.13  Market research and public opinion polling  123  120 47 28 1 477 1 306 1 524 1 334
74.14  Business and management consultancy activities 3 709 3 804 1 444 1 086 6 665 6 479 8 109 7 565
74.2   Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy 7 695 8 054 2 933 2 519 25 729 26 069 28 662 28 588
74.201 Architectural activities 1 651 1 664  746  632 3 668 3 819 4 414 4 451
74.202 Civil engineering activities 2 477 2 634  996  840 8 645 8 862 9 641 9 702
74.203 Geological surveying  166  204 63 71 2 897 2 954 2 960 3 025
74.209 Other technical consultancy activities 3 401 3 552 1 128  976 10 519 10 434 11 647 11 410
74.3   Technical testing and analysis  468  473  180  129 3 604 3 635 3 784 3 764
74.4   Advertising 2 470 2 457  867  778 7 686 7 318 8 553 8 096
74.5   Labour recruitment and provision of personnel  272  380 81 67 24 929 26 858 25 010 26 925
74.501 Labour recruitment of personnel 8 53 1 6 99  315  100  321
74.502 Provision of personnel  264  327 80 61 24 830 26 543 24 910 26 604
74.6   Investigation and security activities  208  222 97 79 8 265 8 704 8 362 8 783
74.7   Industrial cleaning 1 824 1 905 1 150 1 121 22 464 22 567 23 614 23 688
74.8   Miscellaneous business activities n.e.c. 11 894 12 647 6 819 4 553 19 317 19 142 26 136 23 695
74.81  Photographic activities 1 294 1 326  776  619 1 276 1 162 2 052 1 781
74.82  Packaging activities 46 47 11 14  302  285  313  299
74.83  Secretarial and translation activities 1 017 1 214  809  511 2 368 2 441 3 177 2 952
74.84  Other business activities n.e.c 9 537 10 060 5 223 3 409 15 371 15 254 20 594 18 663
  Man-labour year Compensation of employees Turnover Production value
  2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001
      Million kroner2
The whole country  156 592  162 184 70 039.7 75 404.2  226 531.9  252 928.3  222 498.5  248 590.5
70   Real estate activities 13 114 13 441 6 055.2 6 400.6 58 052.1 66 101.0 58 464.0 66 244.7
70.1  Real estate activities with own property 3 508 2 953 1 635.7 1 436.3 15 407.5 17 948.0 15 378.3 18 144.5
70.11  Development and selling of real estate 1 842 1 962  819.4  924.9 7 613.9 10 026.7 7 611.1 10 270.9
70.111 House building cooperative 1 382 1 411  584.8  631.0 1 337.7 1 478.4 1 318.4 1 477.7
70.112 Other development and sale of real estate  460  550  234.6  294.0 6 276.3 8 548.3 6 292.6 8 793.2
70.12  Buying and selling of own real estate 1 666  992  816.3  511.4 7 793.6 7 921.4 7 767.3 7 873.6
70.2   Letting of own property 5 145 5 709 2 170.4 2 588.6 34 644.8 39 057.7 35 118.8 38 993.6
70.202 Other letting of own property 5 145 5 709 2 170.4 2 588.6 34 644.8 39 057.7 35 118.8 38 993.6
70.3   Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis 4 461 4 779 2 249.1 2 375.7 7 999.8 9 095.4 7 966.8 9 106.6
70.31  Real estate agencies 2 394 2 558 1 365.0 1 482.2 3 077.1 3 563.4 3 077.1 3 563.4
70.32  Management of real estate on a fee or contract basis 2 067 2 221  884.1  893.6 4 922.7 5 531.9 4 889.7 5 543.1
71     Renting of machinery and equipment without operator and of personal and household goods 4 061 3 823 1 745.2 1 722.1 11 777.0 13 547.7 11 308.6 12 937.7
71.1   Renting of automobiles  782  726  284.9  266.7 1 597.9 1 624.8 1 594.5 1 614.7
71.2   Renting of other transport equipment  401  327  176.2  156.1 1 789.0 2 052.5 1 753.7 1 969.5
71.3   Renting of other machinery and equipment 2 004 1 875  949.9  949.1 6 875.2 8 100.8 6 579.3 7 975.3
71.31  Renting of agricultural machinery and equipment 2 0 0.6 0.4 16.8 22.4 16.8 22.4
71.32  Renting of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment  803  833  341.4  369.4 1 479.7 1 618.9 1 380.5 1 539.4
71.33  Renting of office machinery and equipment including computers  335  290  184.9  181.3 1 784.2 2 149.5 1 757.7 2 148.1
71.34  Renting of other machinery equipment n.e.c.  864  753  423.0  398.0 3 594.5 4 310.0 3 424.4 4 265.4
71.4   Renting of personal and household goods n.e.c.  874  895  334.3  350.1 1 514.9 1 769.6 1 381.0 1 378.1
72     Computer and related activities 32 254 32 711 17 171.4 19 339.8 39 963.3 46 252.7 36 980.0 43 686.9
72.1   Hardware consultancy  221  254  111.3  125.6  338.4  380.5  283.3  328.9
72.2   Software consultancy and supply 24 922 26 416 13 562.3 15 896.6 30 577.1 36 394.2 27 912.1 34 082.3
72.3   Data processing 2 570 1 999 1 410.7 1 127.7 4 101.5 3 749.0 4 058.8 3 710.3
72.4   Data base activities 3 624 3 197 1 649.7 1 765.3 3 798.7 4 545.9 3 729.4 4 544.9
72.5   Maintenance and repair of office, accounting and computing machinery  619  595  303.0  299.3  831.2  867.5  684.8  737.7
72.6   Other computer related activities  298  250  134.5  125.2  316.4  315.6  311.6  282.8
73     Research and development 6 019 5 985 2 762.6 2 807.7 4 827.5 4 962.9 4 826.0 4 966.9
73.1   Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering 4 612 4 684 2 164.2 2 215.4 3 918.6 4 040.5 3 917.1 4 044.5
73.2   Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities 1 407 1 301  598.4  592.3  908.9  922.4  908.9  922.4
74     Other business activities  101 144  106 223 42 305.2 45 134.0  111 912.0  122 063.9  110 920.0  120 754.3
74.1   Legal, accounting, book-keeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy; market research and public opinion polling; business and management consultancy; holdings 21 391 21 572 10 202.4 10 506.1 23 370.6 25 686.4 23 362.5 25 655.2
74.11 Legal activities 3 200 3 022 1 651.3 1 647.2 5 755.5 6 436.3 5 755.3 6 436.4
74.12  Accounting, book-keeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy 12 853 13 263 5 097.1 5 437.7 9 740.1 10 624.7 9 729.9 10 616.4
74.121 Accounting and book-keeping 7 999 8 343 2 692.1 2 858.0 5 110.2 5 506.4 5 100.2 5 497.9
74.122 Auditing 4 818 4 886 2 387.1 2 563.8 4 583.1 5 070.2 4 582.9 5 070.4
74.123 Tax consultancy services 37 34 17.9 15.9 46.8 48.1 46.8 48.1
74.13  Market research and public opinion polling  888  890  352.9  358.4  779.1  782.6  779.1  782.6
74.14  Business and management consultancy activities 4 449 4 397 3 101.1 3 062.7 7 095.9 7 842.9 7 098.2 7 819.8
74.2   Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy 21 496 22 457 10 953.3 11 812.7 32 167.7 36 280.1 31 859.3 35 405.0
74.201 Architectural activities 3 060 3 247 1 324.4 1 466.0 2 912.7 3 272.3 2 936.4 3 272.2
74.202 Civil engineering activities 7 042 7 515 3 627.8 3 937.8 8 194.5 8 875.8 8 195.1 8 862.4
74.203 Geological surveying 3 011 2 873 1 592.6 1 522.0 7 806.9 8 987.7 8 180.7 8 978.7
74.209 Other technical consultancy activities 8 383 8 822 4 408.6 4 886.8 13 253.6 15 144.2 12 547.2 14 291.8
74.3   Technical testing and analysis 2 868 3 050 2 083.5 2 215.6 5 067.6 5 592.4 5 066.3 5 591.3
74.4   Advertising 5 473 5 376 2 523.6 2 538.3 13 867.9 13 175.7 13 671.7 13 120.6
74.5   Labour recruitment and provision of personnel 14 966 17 601 4 597.1 5 561.6 5 619.8 7 235.2 5 619.8 7 235.1
74.501 Labour recruitment of personnel 89  304 28.3  103.8 39.9  169.9 39.9  169.9
74.502 Provision of personnel 14 877 17 297 4 568.9 5 457.8 5 579.9 7 065.3 5 579.9 7 065.2
74.6   Investigation and security activities 5 405 6 197 1 958.6 2 086.0 3 046.8 3 411.0 2 866.4 3 264.2
74.7   Industrial cleaning 15 063 15 219 3 733.4 3 907.5 6 708.0 7 177.7 6 646.6 7 158.5
74.8   Miscellaneous business activities n.e.c. 14 482 14 751 6 253.3 6 506.3 22 063.7 23 505.5 21 827.5 23 324.5
74.81  Photographic activities  922  725  318.9  269.7 1 306.1 1 193.5 1 243.2 1 156.7
74.82  Packaging activities  249  221 79.9 73.9  257.9  343.8  257.9  343.7
74.83  Secretarial and translation activities 1 174 1 624  429.1  563.5 1 121.6 1 398.3 1 120.4 1 398.3
74.84  Other business activities n.e.c 12 137 12 180 5 425.5 5 599.2 19 378.2 20 569.9 19 206.0 20 425.9
  Value added Total purchases of goods and services Purchases of merchandise Investments3
  2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001
  Million kroner2
The whole country  110 142.3  122 926.8  118 440.5  136 639.1 4 629.5 5 531.9 32 357.4 31 233.3
70   Real estate activities 30 552.0 36 011.9 26 716.9 34 748.0 70.8  459.0 23 862.9 24 999.7
70.1  Real estate activities with own property 4 453.4 5 861.4 10 959.8 16 528.3 49.8  299.6 1 328.5 3 837.8
70.11  Development and selling of real estate 2 156.8 2 582.0 5 690.9 9 363.3 47.4  299.6  112.6 1 775.7
70.111 House building cooperative  760.3  750.2  616.1  773.6 47.4 0.5  140.0  135.7
70.112 Other development and sale of real estate 1 396.5 1 831.8 5 074.8 8 589.8 0.0  299.1 -27.4 1 640.0
70.12  Buying and selling of own real estate 2 296.6 3 279.4 5 268.9 7 165.0 2.4 0.0 1 215.8 2 062.1
70.2   Letting of own property 22 258.3 25 967.8 11 539.9 13 310.4 20.9 91.2 21 286.8 20 898.6
70.202 Other letting of own property 22 258.3 25 967.8 11 539.9 13 310.4 20.9 91.2 21 286.8 20 898.6
70.3   Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis 3 840.3 4 182.8 4 217.3 4 909.3 0.1 68.2 1 247.7  263.3
70.31  Real estate agencies 1 884.3 2 004.3 1 227.2 1 564.2 0.0 0.0 86.3 93.7
70.32  Management of real estate on a fee or contract basis 1 956.0 2 178.5 2 990.1 3 345.1 0.1 68.2 1 161.3  169.7
71     Renting of machinery and equipment without operator and of personal and household goods 4 410.0 4 731.7 7 418.8 8 860.2  504.3  680.5 3 298.3  948.1
71.1   Renting of automobiles  794.3  627.1  801.8 1 004.1 1.5 21.8  146.2 97.9
71.2   Renting of other transport equipment  872.3  698.0  930.4 1 346.2 41.0 69.6 2 017.5 -130.6
71.3   Renting of other machinery and equipment 2 035.3 2 711.4 4 859.4 5 414.3  315.2  176.2 1 057.8  846.8
71.31  Renting of agricultural machinery and equipment 6.1 10.6 10.7 11.6 0.0 0.0 15.3 -15.0
71.32  Renting of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment  664.6  765.0  821.0  871.4  106.7  113.2  275.1  212.2
71.33  Renting of office machinery and equipment including computers  341.4  418.4 1 428.8 1 734.7 12.6 5.0  138.8 64.8
71.34  Renting of other machinery equipment n.e.c. 1 023.1 1 517.4 2 598.9 2 796.5  196.0 58.1  628.6  584.8
71.4   Renting of personal and household goods n.e.c.  708.1  695.2  827.2 1 095.6  146.6  412.9 76.8  134.1
72     Computer and related activities 18 421.0 19 873.5 21 645.5 26 656.1 3 138.7 2 719.2 2 181.9 1 686.4
72.1   Hardware consultancy  104.0  144.0  235.2  238.1 55.2 54.9 7.9 8.6
72.2   Software consultancy and supply 14 583.2 16 400.7 16 058.9 20 218.8 2 779.1 2 426.8  913.5 1 224.5
72.3   Data processing 1 921.2 1 445.9 2 228.2 2 311.6 87.1 44.2  482.3  372.0
72.4   Data base activities 1 375.2 1 432.7 2 411.8 3 150.5 70.8 24.2  753.8 59.9
72.5   Maintenance and repair of office, accounting and computing machinery  313.2  342.1  514.5  527.4  139.7  134.1 11.2 7.3
72.6   Other computer related activities  124.2  108.1  196.9  209.7 6.8 35.0 13.4 14.2
73     Research and development 3 161.5 3 035.5 3 110.0 2 451.1 1.9 8.3  215.6  203.9
73.1   Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering 2 543.2 2 419.6 2 726.5 2 045.9 1.9 1.0  175.5  189.9
73.2   Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities  618.3  615.8  383.5  405.2 0.0 7.3 40.1 13.9
74     Other business activities 53 597.8 59 274.2 59 549.3 63 923.7  913.8 1 665.0 2 798.7 3 395.2
74.1   Legal, accounting, book-keeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy; market research and public opinion polling; business and management consultancy; holdings 15 613.7 16 976.9 8 624.2 9 144.9 24.4 30.2  400.2  687.3
74.11 Legal activities 4 478.0 4 647.3 1 285.8 1 831.4 0.0 0.0  143.3  100.5
74.12  Accounting, book-keeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy 7 122.0 7 654.8 2 632.7 2 978.5 10.2 10.0  396.6  226.6
74.121 Accounting and book-keeping 3 566.6 3 837.7 1 552.2 1 674.3 10.2 9.7  170.3  110.3
74.122 Auditing 3 525.8 3 791.6 1 063.3 1 281.8 0.0 0.3  225.2  112.9
74.123 Tax consultancy services 29.7 25.5 17.1 22.5 0.0 0.0 1.1 3.4
74.13  Market research and public opinion polling  409.6  399.4  374.2  382.8 0.4 0.4 20.8 18.0
74.14  Business and management consultancy activities 3 604.1 4 275.4 4 331.5 3 952.1 13.8 19.8 -160.5  342.1
74.2   Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy 12 087.2 14 663.4 20 149.9 21 844.0  173.0 1 032.3  503.7 1 173.4
74.201 Architectural activities 1 785.4 1 992.7 1 152.1 1 279.0 0.9 0.0 45.2  130.4
74.202 Civil engineering activities 4 522.9 4 972.9 3 698.6 3 932.7 24.2 10.8  122.6  141.3
74.203 Geological surveying  730.9 1 451.4 7 526.0 7 679.9 16.0 63.7 -421.6  461.4
74.209 Other technical consultancy activities 5 048.0 6 246.4 7 773.2 8 952.4  131.9  957.7  757.5  440.3
74.3   Technical testing and analysis 2 265.1 2 523.2 2 777.4 3 147.3 1.4 3.4 95.7  105.9
74.4   Advertising 3 092.9 2 828.6 10 796.9 10 407.7  206.5 81.9  221.7  181.6
74.5   Labour recruitment and provision of personnel 4 827.3 5 873.1  807.0 1 389.3 0.5 0.3 51.7  115.0
74.501 Labour recruitment of personnel 32.2  105.3 7.7 64.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.7
74.502 Provision of personnel 4 795.1 5 767.8  799.3 1 324.7 0.5 0.3 51.7  102.2
74.6   Investigation and security activities 2 228.1 2 445.8  831.6  990.9  192.1  173.7  190.1  132.6
74.7   Industrial cleaning 4 481.4 4 749.7 2 223.8 2 440.9 72.1 23.7  141.7  150.5
74.8   Miscellaneous business activities n.e.c. 9 002.2 9 213.7 13 338.5 14 558.7  243.7  319.4 1 193.9  849.0
74.81  Photographic activities  492.9  443.3  818.6  751.2 63.6 53.5  279.1 35.0
74.82  Packaging activities  113.6  101.0  145.9  243.8 1.1 2.3 16.2 16.8
74.83  Secretarial and translation activities  629.8  811.9  492.9  587.5 2.5 0.0 54.3 41.8
74.84  Other business activities n.e.c 7 765.9 7 857.5 11 881.1 12 976.2  176.4  263.5  844.3  755.4
1  The figures are exclusive of 70.201 House cooperative and 74.150 Management activities of holding companies.
2  VAT is not included.
3  The investment figures for 2000 have been recalculated due to altered calculation methods and improved data.

Explanation of symbols