Statistics Norway

Persons entitled to vote at the municipal council and county council election

2 Municipal- and County Council Election. Foreign citizens 1999-2011 and Norwegian citizens with immigrant background1 2007-2011 , entitled to wote. Estimated March 2011
Citizenship/Country background2 Foreign citizens entitled to vote Norwegian citizens with immigrant background1, entitled to vote
1999 2003 2007 2011 Changes 2007-2011 2007 2011 Changes 2007-2011
Total  101 706  117 268  137 221  207 241 70 020  142 071  184 904 42 833
Nordic Countries 42 131 44 217 47 595 62 876 15 281 9 100 8 652 -448
West-Europe except Turkey 18 260 21 525 24 920 36 569 11 649 7 237 7 186 -51
East-Europe 12 762 12 932 15 416 50 209 34 793 28 706 35 410 6 704
North-America and Oceania 6 889 7 290 7 386 8 572 1 186 2 086 1 793 -293
Asia, Africa, South- and Central-America, stateless and unknown 21 664 31 304 41 904 49 015 7 111 94 942  131 863 36 921
Selected countries                
Denmark 15 564 16 407 16 810 17 983 1 173 4 386 4 090 -296
Finland 4 256 4 874 4 597 5 061  464 1 057 . .
Iceland . . . 5 074 . . . .
Sweden 19 689 20 059 23 447 34 758 11 311 3 124 2 989 -135
France . . . 2 398 . . . .
Netherlands . . . 4 388 . . . .
Poland 1 104 1 161 2 249 25 466 23 217 4 479 4 643  164
Lithuania . . . 4 871 . . . .
United Kingdom 7 722 8 447 8 825 10 238 1 413 1 694 . .
Russia . . . 5 909 . . 4 157 .
Turkey 1 318 1 715 1 946 2 302  356 7 323 8 655 1 332
Germany 3 727 4 999 6 845 13 139 6 294 2 775 2 920  145
Yugoslavia 2 705 2 487 2 177 . . 5 753 . .
Bosnia-Herzegovina 7 514 4 771 2 844 2 787 -57 8 382 9 348  966
Kosovo . . . . . . 6 928 .
Morocco  582 .  698 . . 3 869 4 773  904
Somalia 1 095 2 804 4 712 3 860 -852 4 838 9 447 4 609
Sri Lanka 1 824 . 1 551 . . 5 883 7 411 1 528
Afghanistan . . . 2 631 . . . .
Philippines  766 . 1 517 2 757 . 4 745 6 211 1 466
India 1 361 . 1 043 . . 3 749 4 674  925
Iraq 1 145 6 033 5 492 4 712 -780 5 712 10 879 5 167
Iran 1 204 1 871 2 332 . . 8 076 10 752 2 676
China . . . . . . 3 054 .
Pakistan 3 791 3 817 3 643 3 326 -317 14 632 18 382 3 750
Thailand . . . 5 160 . . 3 493 .
Vietnam 1 447 .  677 . . 11 820 13 592 1 772
Chile 1 729 1 476 1 545 . . 3 988 4 535  547
USA 5 768 5 971 5 898 6 501  603 1 680 . .
Other 17 395 30 376 43 859 43 920 61 34 106 43 971 9 865
1  Persons with two foreign-born parents.
2  Own, mother's or father's country of birth.

Explanation of symbols