Statistics Norway

Persons entitled to vote at the municipal council and county council election

2 Persons entitled to vote of immigrant population at the municipal council and county council election 2011, by age, sex and country background
  Total 18-29 years 30-39 years 40-49 years 50-59 years 60 years and over
  Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females
The whole country  386 664 42 131 43 132 51 940 53 490 47 637 42 028 30 321 26 135 23 517 26 333
Other Nordic countries 60 313 5 277 5 860 7 135 6 177 6 208 5 747 4 983 4 490 6 044 8 392
Other European contries  138 865 13 018 12 664 22 426 18 143 18 830 13 853 11 894 9 192 8 986 9 859
Africa 40 656 5 629 5 755 5 973 6 257 6 027 4 194 3 001 1 543 1 450  827
Asia  124 256 16 611 16 926 14 031 19 594 14 275 15 509 8 536 8 768 5 174 4 832
North and Central America 9 614  381  552  882 1 210  980 1 151  777  941 1 114 1 626
South America 11 812 1 154 1 318 1 204 1 981 1 134 1 479 1 057 1 141  671  673
Oceania 1 148 61 57  289  128  183 95 73 60 78  124

Explanation of symbols