Statistics Norway

Persons entitled to vote at the Storting election. Estimated figures

2 Storting Election 2009. Norwegian citizens with immigrant background1 2003-2009, entitled to wote. Estimated figures
Country background2 Municipal- and County Council Election 2003 Storting Election 2005 Municipal-and County Council Election 2007 Storting Election 2009 Changes 2003-2009
Total  111 167  123 689  142 071  163 963 52 796
Nordic Countries3 9 395 9 438 9 100 8 760 -635
West-Europe else except Turkey 7 500 7 456 7 237 7 127 -373
East-Europe 19 897 23 642 28 706 32 184 12 287
North-America and Oceania 2 201 2 379 2 086 1 909 -292
Asia, Africa, South- and Central-America, Turkey 72 174 80 774 94 942  113 983 41 809
Selected countries          
Denmark 4 676 4 550 4 386 4 200 -476
Finland 1 070 1 079 1 057 1 049 -21
Sweden 3 135 3 261 3 124 2 980 -155
Bosnia-Herzegovina 4 733 7 885 8 382 9 007 4 274
United Kingdom 1 767 1 802 1 694 1 602 -165
Germany 2 912 2 823 2 775 2 846 -66
Serbia . . . 1 285 .
Kosovo . . . 5 555 .
Serbia and Montenegro 5 877 3 771 5 753 . .
Poland 3 995 4 329 4 479 4 532  537
Turkey 5 669 6 521 7 323 8 142 2 473
Russia . . . 3 366 .
Morocco 3 062 3 465 3 869 4 380 1 318
Somalia 2 869 3 393 4 838 7 117 4 248
Sri Lanka 5 079 5 407 5 883 6 711 1 632
Philippines 3 793 4 216 4 745 5 388 1 595
India 2 991 3 331 3 749 4 224 1 233
Iraq 2 176 2 836 5 712 8 470 6 294
Iran 6 145 6 908 8 076 9 279 3 134
Pakistan 11 391 12 675 14 632 16 848 5 457
Vietnam 10 420 11 051 11 820 12 835 2 415
USA 1 779 1 924 1 680 1 516 -263
Chile 3 391 3 687 3 988 4 315  924
Other 24 237 28 775 34 106 36 422 12 185
1  Persons with two foreign-born parents.
2  Own, mother's or father's country of birth.
3  In 2001 are persons with country background from Greenland and Faroe Islands included in Western Europe else.

Explanation of symbols