Hotels and restaurants, structural statistics

1   Hotels- and restaurants. Principal figures, by industry subgroup. 1998
  Number of enterprises Sales1 Employment2 Wages3 Gross investmets3
55 Hotels and restaurants 10 982     34 773 207 80 908   11 356 097 3 105 702
55.10 Hotels 1 581 14 558 249 28 742 4 835 505 1 368 062
55.11 Hotels and motels, with restaurant 1 399 13 929 159 27 438 4 646 733 1 242 561
55.12 Hotels and motels, without restaurant 182 629 090 1 304 188 773 125 501
55.20 Camping sites and other provision of short-stay accommodation 1 057 879 531 2 494 177 153 245 671
55.21Youth hostels and mountain refuges 242 274 526 732 64 913 81 353
55.22 Camping sites, including caravan sites 647 449 796 1 394 79 119 121 204
55.23 Other provision of lodgings n.e.c. 168 155 209 368 33 121 43 114
55.30 Restaurants 7 054 14 636 888 38 768 4 507 552 1 234 462
55.301 Operation of restaurants and cafés 5 592 12 990 111 33 904 4 126 536 1 105 046
55.302 Operation of snack-bars, salad bars and hot-dog bars 1 462 1 646 777 4 864 381 016 129 416
55.40 Bars 227 678 697 2 262 178 390 21 440
55.50 Canteens and catering 1 063 4 019 842 8 642 1 657 496 236 067
55.51 Canteens 382 1 954 916 4 097 801 295 32 201
55.52 Catering 681 2 064 926 4 545 856 201 203 866
1  Exclusive of VAT (1 000 kroner).
2  Average number of persons during the year.
3  1 000 kroner.

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