Statistics Norway

Hotels and restaurants, structural statistics

1   Hotels and restaurants. Enterprises, employment and turnover, by industry group. Final figures 2001 and preliminary figures 2002
Industry group Enterprises Employment1 Turnover2
2001 2002 2001 2002 2001 2002
           *Million NOK
55 Hotels and restaurants, total 9 494 9 994 83 343 84 086 38 950.9 40 022.3
55.1 Hotels 1 280 1 325 27 686 26 980 14 771.2 14 702.0
55.2 Camping sites and other provision of short-stay accommodation 1 043 1 141 2 225 2 284 1 065.5 1 205.1
55.3 Restaurants 6 033 6 250 43 925 44 982 18 305.9 19 125.2
55.4 Bars  229  289 1 887 2 113  603.4  751.0
55.5 Canteens and catering  909  989 7 620 7 727 4 205.0 4 238.9
1  Average number of people during the year.
2  Exclusive of VAT.

Explanation of symbols