Statistics Norway

Hotels and restaurants, structural statistics

5   Hotels and restaurants. Main figures, by number of people employed and industry group. Enterprises. 2002
Industry group Total Enterprises with employment
0-1 2-4 5-9 10-19 20-49 50-249 250- 
55 Hotels and restaurants                
Local KAUs 9 983 3 623 2 684 1 739 1 158  548  205 26
Employment1 86 934 3 202 7 459 11 592 15 448 15 946 20 038 13 249
Turnover2 40 510 1 856 3 795 5 160 6 689 7 066 10 093 5 851
Personnel costs3 13 793  158  865 1 575 2 312 2 549 3 729 2 606
Production value3 39 665 1 815 3 724 5 082 6 574 6 911 9 916 5 643
Value-added4 16 581  575 1 303 2 013 2 713 2 978 4 240 2 760
Investments5 1 877  137  199  182  249  283  518  309
55.1 Hotels                
Local KAUs 1 322  325  229  226  231  182  120 9
Employment1 27 185  268  662 1 505 3 201 5 443 13 153 2 953
Turnover2 14 715  242  454  842 1 690 2 788 7 080 1 619
Personnel costs3 5 489 37  120  290  645 1 089 2 671  637
Production value3 14 362  237  443  822 1 621 2 667 6 963 1 610
Value-added4 6 218 80  183  392  721 1 232 2 952  659
Investments5  769 8 28 13  107  151  406 56
55.2 Camping sites and other provision of short-stay accommodation                
Local KAUs 1 143  785  268 65 19 5 1 -
Employment1 2 259  659  690  424  245  137  104 -
Turnover2 1 223  331  413  232  131 : : -
Personnel costs3  234 17 76 63 40 : : -
Production value3 1 142  312  385  212  121 : : -
Value-added4  519  130  171  105 56 : : -
Investments5  189 71 68 17 12 : : -
55.3 Restaurants                
Local KAUs 6 220 1 938 1 804 1 269  801  325 74 9
Employment1 47 122 1 769 5 055 8 483 10 579 9 362 5 935 5 939
Turnover2 19 477 1 024 2 440 3 517 4 288 3 878 2 477 1 855
Personnel costs3 6 015 85  557 1 065 1 445 1 320  848  696
Production value3 19 182 1 008 2 413 3 481 4 252 3 847 2 426 1 756
Value-added4 7 601  283  786 1 313 1 720 1 584 1 048  867
Investments5  840 36 96  143  116  108  101  241
55.4 Bars                
Local KAUs  316 87 81 70 52 22 4 -
Employment1 2 385 71  232  474  694  612  302 -
Turnover2  856 59  103  201  229 : : -
Personnel costs3  232 8 24 51 63 : : -
Production value3  855 59  103  201  228 : : -
Value-added4  295 18 33 65 77 : : -
Investments5 37 23 4 3 5 : : -
55.5 Canteens and catering                
Local KAUs  982  488  302  109 55 14 6 8
Employment1 7 983  435  820  706  729  392  544 4 357
Turnover2 4 238  199  385  368  352  175  381 2 378
Personnel costs3 1 823 11 88  108  120 67  157 1 273
Production value3 4 124  199  381  366  351  174  375 2 278
Value-added4 1 949 64  130  138  139 76  168 1 234
Investments5 42 -1 3 6 10 4 8 12
1  Average number of people during the year.
2  Operating income without special taxes, subsidies and profits from the sales of fixed assets. Exclusive of VAT.
3  Million NOK.
4  At factor cost. Million NOK.
5  Investments were redefined in 2001 (see 'About the statistics'). Million NOK.

Explanation of symbols