Statistics Norway

Hotels and restaurants, structural statistics

1   Hotels and restaurants. Enterprises, employment and turnover, by industry group. Final figures 2003 and preliminary figures 2004
Industry group Enterprises Employment1 Turnover2. NOK million
2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004
55 Hotels and restaurants, total 10 183    10 068    85 195    78 861 40 770 41 253
55.1 Hotels 1 292 1 239 26 140 23 031 14 466 14 889
55.2 Camping sites and other provision of short-stay accommodation 1 213 1 333 2 440 2 202 1 334 1 474
55.3 Restaurants 6 293 6 077 46 256 44 151 19 566 19 475
55.4 Bars  368  411 2 544 2 731  955 1 053
55.5 Canteens and catering 1 017 1 008 7 815 6 746 4 449 4 361
1  Average number of persons during the year. From 2004 employment are collected from the Register of Employees and Employers (Aa-Register).
2  Exclusive of VAT.

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