Statistics Norway

Hotels and restaurants, structural statistics

1 Hotels and restaurants. Enterprises, employment and turnover, by industry group. Final figures 2006 and preliminary figures 2007
Industry group Enterprises Employment Turnover
2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007
          NOK million
55 Hotels and restaurants, total 10 119 10 759 83 513 88 975 47 061.7 52 201.0
55.1 Hotels 1 251 1 334 23 616 24 182 16 985.4 19 054.7
55.2 Camping sites and other provision of short-stay accommodation 1 442 1 462 2 836 2 748 1 813.8 1 853.7
55.3 Restaurants 5 907 6 274 46 381 50 005 21 610.0 23 968.9
55.4 Bars  448  498 3 336 3 677 1 329.0 1 464.7
55.5 Canteens and catering 1 071 1 191 7 344 8 363 5 323.4 5 859.0

Explanation of symbols