Statistics Norway

Information and communication, structural business statistics

1 Information and communication. Enterprises, employment and turnover, by industry group. Final figures 2008 and preliminary figures 2009
Industry group Enterprises Employment1 Turnover2
2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009
          NOK million
58 Publishing activities, total 2 502 2 390 25 217 24 289 43 437 41 770
58.1 Publishing of books, periodicals and other publishing activities 1 666 1 609 17 180 16 246 30 439 28 505
58.2 Software publishing  836  781 8 037 8 043 12 997 13 264
59 Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities, total 2 702 2 603 4 095 4 010 7 256 7 255
59.1 Motion picture, video and television programme activities 2 175 2 106 3 626 3 545 6 254 6 252
59.2 Sound recording and music publishing activities  527  497  469  465 1 002 1 003
60 Programming and broadcasting activities, total  191  181 5 926 5 819 9 272 8 937
60.1 Radio broadcasting  141  135  530  482  718  664
60.2 Television programming and broadcasting activities 50 46 5 396 5 337 8 554 8 272
61 Telecommunications , total  691  665 13 433 12 958 65 237 65 497
61.1 Wired telecommunications activities  351  330 9 136 10 147 31 347 43 520
61.1 Wireless telecommunications activities  140  123 3 145 1 601 27 556 15 605
61.3 Satellite telecommunications activities 24 28  517  540 3 921 4 559
61.9 Other telecommunications activities  176  184  635  670 2 413 1 813
62 Computer programming; consultancy and related activities , total 8 104 7 400 32 268 32 507 51 636 51 136
63 Information service activities , total 1 204 1 181 3 957 4 228 6 034 6 189
63.1 Data processing, hosting and related activities; web portals  826  863 3 190 3 493 4 898 5 035
63.9 Other information service activities  378  318  767  735 1 136 1 153
1  Average number of persons during the year.
2  Exclusive of VAT.

Explanation of symbols