Statistics Norway

Information and communication, structural business statistics

1 Information and communication. Enterprises, employment and turnover, by industry group. Final figures 2010 and preliminary figures 2011
Industry group Enterprises Employment1 Turnover2
2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011
          NOK million
58 Publishing activities, total 2 364 2 241 23 700 22 905 42 829.1 43 480.8
58.1 Publishing of books, periodicals and other publishing activities 1 591 1 527 15 184 14 644 28 059.8 27 912.9
58.2 Software publishing  773  714 8 516 8 261 14 769.3 15 568.0
59 Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities, total 2 827 2 738 4 378 4 584 7 469.7 8 243.2
59.1 Motion picture, video and television programme activities 2 270 2 197 3 889 4 058 6 306.5 6 382.0
59.2 Sound recording and music publishing activities  557  541  489  526  996.7 1 043.5
60 Programming and broadcasting activities, total  168  154 5 813 5 909 9 584.6 10 448.7
60.1 Radio broadcasting  130  119  515  518  737.6  738.5
60.2 Television programming and broadcasting activities 38 35 5 298 5 391 8 847.0 9 710.3
61 Telecommunications , total  639  622 13 080 13 493 67 470.6 65 124.7
61.1 Wired telecommunications activities  299  282 4 312 4 411 20 631.9 19 862.2
61.1 Wireless telecommunications activities  122  119 7 532 7 664 40 726.6 38 882.3
61.3 Satellite telecommunications activities 27 27  582  689 4 447.7 4 750.1
61.9 Other telecommunications activities  191  194  654  729 1 664.4 1 630.2
62 Computer programming; consultancy and related activities , total 7 460 7 552 33 823 34 198 55 474.6 61 221.1
63 Information service activities , total 1 123 1 073 4 455 4 900 7 065.0 8 211.2
63.1 Data processing, hosting and related activities; web portals  830  798 3 779 3 991 5 990.1 6 830.3
63.9 Other information service activities  293  275  676  909 1 074.9 1 380.9
1  Average number of persons during the year.
2  Exclusive of VAT.

Explanation of symbols