Statistics Norway

Cultural services, structural statistics

6 Cultural services. Principal figures, by industry subclass. Enterprises. 2004-2007
Industry subclass Enterprises Employment1 Turnover2 Operating income Operating costs Personnel costs Production value Value-added3 Gross investments
      NOK million
92.1 Motion picture and video activities                  
2004 1 491 2 714 3 756.6 3 807.6 3 600.2  672.3 3 532.3  997.4  157.8
2005 1 685 2 743 4 023.4 4 085.3 3 812.9  692.4 3 593.5 1 067.9 74.6
2006 1 825 2 926 4 425.7 4 479.7 4 202.3  786.7 4 025.5 1 191.7  110.5
2007 2 083 3 183 4 993.6 5 133.9 4 855.8  897.8 4 524.8 1 505.5  153.7
92.11 Motion picture and video production                  
2004 1 306 1 288 1 698.4 1 745.6 1 586.0  327.1 1 497.1  530.0 38.7
2005 1 509 1 367 2 051.5 2 110.9 1 890.9  382.9 1 650.9  645.0 58.2
2006 1 655 1 553 2 230.7 2 285.9 2 068.8  457.3 1 868.9  740.9 81.3
2007 1 907 1 842 2 678.2 2 812.1 2 574.0  550.2 2 248.3  843.8 82.5
92.12 Motion picture and video distribution                  
2004 21  138 1 035.2 1 038.4  965.3 72.1 1 034.9  163.4 2.1
2005 24  139 1 079.8 1 083.9  991.6 70.5 1 080.9  173.7 1.2
2006 29  148 1 229.4 1 230.2 1 163.3 78.2 1 229.4  162.3 6.3
2007 30  142 1 372.7 1 374.3 1 284.0 82.7 1 372.1  405.7 2.3
92.13 Motion picture projection                  
2004  164 1 288 1 022.9 1 023.6 1 049.0  273.1 1 000.3  304.0  117.0
2005  152 1 237  892.1  890.4  930.4  239.1  861.7  249.2 15.2
2006  141 1 225  965.5  963.6  970.1  251.2  927.2  288.6 22.9
2007  146 1 199  942.6  947.5  997.7  264.9  904.4  255.9 69.0
92.2 Radio and television activities                  
2004  291 5 797 7 066.5 7 235.7 6 986.5 2 757.4 7 064.7 3 282.8  301.4
2005  292 5 952 7 573.1 7 602.7 7 319.9 2 964.9 7 556.3 3 620.8  361.6
2006  307 5 991 8 420.7 8 496.8 8 254.5 3 061.0 8 398.5 3 686.5  561.7
2007  306 6 160 8 998.4 9 027.1 9 000.7 3 501.2 8 970.6 4 050.4  579.9
92.4 News agency activities                  
2004  849  845  902.4  905.3  762.0  245.8  903.5  409.0 11.1
2005  970  800  941.4  945.0  772.7  244.0  942.1  431.1 10.2
2006 1 082  855  975.1  982.9  796.4  250.3  976.1  445.6 15.2
20074 1 220  867  858.2  981.5  717.7  233.0  857.9  389.3 -7.9
1  Average number of persons during the year.
2  Operating income without special taxes, subsidies and profits from the sales of fixed assets. Exclusive of VAT.
3  At factor cost.
4  Transfers of enterprises have led to figures for News agencies activities for 2007 that is not directly comparable to previous years.

Explanation of symbols