Statistics Norway

3 Applications for new buildings along the shore zone outside urban areas. Number approved and rejected1, 2 (Published at 10.40am 28 June 2012)
  No. of applications processed3 No. of applications consistent with plans approved No. of applications that include exemptions approved No. of applications that include exemption rejected Applications that include exemptions, percentage approved
2001 .. .. 1 096  540 67
2002 .. .. 1 083  487 69
2003 .. ..  867  308 74
2004 .. ..  864  303 74
2005 3 512 1 930 1 134  448 72
2006 2 469 1 306  808  354 70
2007 2 854 1 658  767  429 64
2008 2 941 1 729  812  400 67
2009 2 865 1 503  900  462 66
2010 3 053 1 541 1 122  390 74
2011 2 639 1 294 1 045  300 78
1  For the years 2001 and 2002 all projekcts are included, from 2003, the statistics comprise only new buildings.
2  In the years 2001-2004, the statistics comprise only applications that include exemptions.
3  No. of cases processed comprise only reporting municipalities in 2001-2003. On average, about 80 per cent of municipalities have reported. From 2004, the figure comprises the whole country.

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